Casino: approximately 4,000 employees affected by the sale of stores to Intermarché

by time news

2023-06-13 23:22:00

Nearly one in six Casino employees will change employers. About 4,000 people working for the distributor in financial difficulty will thus be affected by the transfer of 119 stores under the Intermarché brand within three years, concordant sources indicated on Tuesday. The Distribution Casino France (DCF) entity, which brings together the group’s stores in France outside the Monoprix or Franprix brands, has “25,000 or 26,000” employees in total, according to the Casino brand communication department. The operation is a reason for concern for the representatives of the employees affected by this change of sign because within Intermarché, a group of independents, social policy depends on each store owner.

Large store formats, which employ a lot of employees, are particularly affected by this operation, since a dozen hypermarkets are among the first 57 stores sold – 10 or 11 depending on the source. The number of large stores is actually higher because Casino has in recent years converted around twenty of its hypermarkets into supermarkets. This is for example the case of that of Firminy (Loire), near the historic headquarters of the group in Saint-Étienne, which will be sold by the end of the year. Its size (nearly 6,000 m2) and its workforce (90 employees) are comparable to those of a hypermarket.

Of the ten hypermarkets, three are located in the Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes region (Albertville, Chasse-sur-Rhône, Vals-près-le-Puy), four in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region (Besançon, Chalon-sur-Saône, Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Lons-le-Saunier), one in Centre-Val de Loire (Tours La Riche), one in Hauts-de-France (Amiens), one in New Aquitaine (Poitiers).

Conciliation procedure

A CFDT representative regretted Monday evening that “the transfers had to [la] management concern unprofitable stores outside the PLM axis (Paris-Lyon-Marseille), which corresponds to the Île-de-France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Paca regions where the group is best established”. To which the communication department of the Casino brands replied on Tuesday that they had “not said that the group was not going to sell stores in the regions where it was very strong, but that it was going to capitalize on these regions”. This operation must, assures this source, allow the group engaged in a conciliation procedure to try to renegotiate its excessive debt to “put the means on the stores and the regions” key for Casino.

On Monday, elected staff also launched a so-called “economic alert right” procedure to obtain more information on Casino’s financial situation.

#Casino #approximately #employees #affected #sale #stores #Intermarché

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