Cafeteria Talks – Demokratiki of Rhodes

by time news

2023-06-13 14:07:29

Many years have passed since I became, initially a child of the city, I left the village and became a boarder in various houses, to go to the Venetoklio Gymnasium and after the Polytechnic I settled permanently.

I stopped being a peasant and became a peasant.

No matter how many years have passed, the images of coffee shops remain indelibly in my memory.

I experienced them then, the right and center-left coffee shops, hours upon hours reminded of different territories, you wanted guts to go to another coffee shop, apart from the one of your like-minded people.

Points of reference are the coffee shops in all the villages and in some districts of the city, places of social gathering and conversation about all subjects and all problems.

In every coffee shop there was also the polymath who believed that he possessed infallibility and with a style of eight hundred carats, expressed his opinion and position and waited on a string for confirmation.

There was no lack of work, you are big, you are the first were always the first reactions.

After the second glass of ouzo, it was impossible not to open the political conversation, it was or was not election season.

Invisible but present, the other day I was in such a cafe, I remembered my youth and saw a different composition of the patrons.

No separation, judging them with the help of my experience, I saw right-wingers, pasokos, Syrians, Koukouedes and Canadian traveling voters, those who vote one here and the other there.

This class is the one that various pollsters say make governments.

They go at the last minute with the winner or with those they believe will solve their problem.

The country’s problems or what needs to be done comes second, first our home, children and their welfare and then everything else.

They play it smart too, I’m not tied to any party, they tell you, I vote for the best.

But from where and to where, in every election someone else should be the best, who was not in the previous elections?

And wine gladdens the heart of man, at last we abandoned wine and retsina and poured it into SOUMA.

Not much time passed, after the second glass the political conversation-confrontation started, the results of the last elections were burning.

None of them believed that the end of the world had come, there was talk of criticism and gossip.

Dimitros is a well-known bully, Yannis is his permanent victim, he says to him, is it true that you voted for MITSOTAKI?

– Yes, and why shouldn’t I vote for him?

And my boss voted for him, whenever he was in a good mood, he would say good morning to me and constantly asserted that he is the best Prime Minister ever.

I don’t hide from you that I asked him why and he answered me, throughout this period that we went through, the crisis of the corona virus, the crisis of the war, he faced the problems successfully.

I sometimes hear that as a country, in proportion to our population, we had more deaths from the corona virus and that our Hospitals are underperforming.

Hospitals, Yannis tells me, are a sink that eats money, without giving anything, don’t you see that private clinics offer better care?

And you, John, what did you answer him, did you tell him that I will also vote for MITSOTAKI so that the State does not spend money on Hospitals?

I wish you, number one, that you don’t get hurt, because you don’t even have a field to sell to go to a private clinic, you’ll vote on the mat.

-And why should I vote for SYRIZA or the ND, Nikolis is thrown away, I voted for PASOK, BOULIS as they called KOSTAS KARAMANLIS, bankrupted the country, saw the difficulties, held elections to lose them and blamed GIORGOS PAPANDREOU for the country’s bankruptcy .

Tsipras found the opportunity, relied on the indignation of the citizens and managed to become GOVERNMENT.

PASOK turned its back, now I see that maybe it shouldn’t turn its back in order to save the country, to co-govern with SAMARA and to be charged with all the sins of the past, I have one thing to say, that good things happened in this place, it was done by PASOK.

– And what could Tsipras do, Nikolis, I voted for SYRIZA, as far as I remember, the whole PARLIAMENT except KKE voted for the MEMORIES.

I’m not saying, they were wrong, but they left a functioning country and a TREASURY, a gift to MITSOTAKI to give stupidity allowances to partially idiots and distribute millions to his own people with non-returnable subsidies for no reason or reason.

I won’t say anything about the millions of contracts he has signed with his big business cronies.

– I didn’t do anything, says Dimitros the tease and now what are we going to do, we will vote again for Mitsotakis to be an absolute dictator, to distribute any borrowed money to his own people, to charge the country and at some point like the other one, BOULIS, knock her down and let others pull the chestnuts out of the fire?

– I have one thing to say, says NIKOLIS, I don’t know what each of you will vote for, but one must be our thought,


Friday, John

Rhodes, 13/6/2023

#Cafeteria #Talks #Demokratiki #Rhodes

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