Trump tries to turn his impeachment into a 2024 campaign credential

by time news

2023-06-14 06:07:09

It remains to be seen the legal strategy that Donald Trump and their lawyers will continue to organize the defense in their historic federal indictment but it is already clear what will be the political strategy. The former president of the United States, and the overwhelming favorite at this time to clinch the Republican nomination for 2024, tries to get the trial to take place before public opinion and be a revulsive for his followers and other Republican voters to nod him for the presidential nomination to face Joe Biden again.

This strategy has been underlined with special intensity this Tuesday, after Trump’s appearance in the Miami federal court where he has been charged and has pleaded not guilty. As soon as he left the court building, in which the veto to the cameras has not allowed the moment of his appearance to be recorded, Trump has made a unannounced visit (but from which they had been informed conservative media related) al Versailles cafeemblematic restaurant in Little Havana for the Cuban exile and the Latin American right.

Trump got that one of the pictures of the day It was not the illustration of his appearance before the judge, with a serious face, but that of followers surrounding him, applauding him, praying with him and singing Happy Birthday to him (turns 77 this wednesday). And his message was not subtle: in addition to seeking to get closer to the Latino vote, and trying to project a image of strength and challenge Despite the seriousness of his legal problems, he stressed the idea that his accusation is a “political persecution”comparable to that of countries accused of corruption or persecution of dissidents such as Cuba or Venezuela.

She has been launching that same idea for several days, including the day before in interviews with conservative Latino media in Florida. And she would underline it again in the afternoon-night of Tuesday, already back at her club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he offered a speech of just over half an hour before followers before having a fundraising dinner with donors.

In this intervention, the Republican has insisted that his imputation is “like something straight out of a fascist or communist nation”. “If the communists get their way on this they won’t stop with me,” he has said. “They will not hesitate to intensify their persecution of Christians, pro-life activists, parents going to school board meetings, and even future Republican candidates. I’m the only one who can save this nation”.

While, Fox News, who has broadcast the entire speech live, at one point has split the screen to also show (but without sound) Bidenwho participated in an act to mark the Juneteenth party, and in the title strip the chain has written: “Would-be dictator speaks at the White House after arresting his political rival”.

falsehoods and distortions

In the speech at Bedminster Trump said that “They should drop the case immediately.” and has insisted on his innocence, distorting the facts that have led to his imputation and carrying out false statements and inaccurate comparisons with the attitude towards classified documents of his predecessors.

Falsely, for example, he has assured that he had the authority under the Presidential Records Law to have the documents that have earned him 31 of the 37 charges, which were not personal material but classified defense and intelligence material. He has also accused without evidence to the FBI of having “planted” evidence incriminating in the search they made in August of last year at their club and residence in Mar-a-Lago.

The former president has also compared with false equivalences his case with that of Hillary Clinton, which was investigated but not charged for the inappropriate handling of secret material when using a private email server in her time as Secretary of State. And she has also been interestedly and falsely compared to that of Biden, investigated for keeping classified material after the vice presidency with Barack Obama.

“I am not the one who believes that he is above the law, I am the one who followed the law, the only one who did. It is Biden and his corrupt Department of “injustice” who think they are above the law,” said Trump, who said that “Biden will forever be remembered not only as the most corrupt president in history but, perhaps more importantly, the president who with a gang of thugs, misfits and marxists tried destroy american democracy”.

Trump has also harshly attacked and insulted Jack Smithhe fiscal especial that he has led the investigations and that he has managed to have Trump indicted by a grand jury.

election message

The current that has beat after all his speech is that Republican voters must choose him as a nominee over other Republican rivals (over whom he has an overwhelming advantage) and then as president. That, he assures him, is the only way to combat the so-called “deep state” and “save the US.” And in the speech he has promised that if he returns to the Oval Office will appoint a “royal” special prosecutor to go after Biden and his family and “and everyone else involved in the destruction of the election, the borders and the country.” “When he is re-elected, and we have no other option because we are not going to have more country, I will completely destroy the deep state“, has said.

As usual, Trump has also tried to portray his numerous and growing personal legal problems as a persecution of all conservatives. “They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom, they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you,” he said. “I am the only one who can save this nation because you know that They are not coming for me, they are coming for you, and I’m just in his way. He Justice will be done on November 5, 2024”, it is finished. “We will take our country back and make America great again.”

#Trump #turn #impeachment #campaign #credential

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