More transparency in police tasks in Berlin

by time news

Domestic politics is always the search for compromises between the need and the right to security on the one hand and a certain basic skepticism about police behavior on the other – especially in a coalition in which the Greens and the left are involved.

This search is reflected in the coalition agreement. So now a police officer should really be introduced, a complaints office that is supposed to mediate in conflicts between citizens and police, but also other authorities. This green-left wish was finally left behind, now a new attempt is being made. That’s right. Ultimately, the transparency of official work contributes to acceptance.

It would have taken a similar amount of passion to expand the Bodycam program. The police have long wanted cameras like this, also as evidence in court. Only 20 of these body cams are in operation. That is far too little. At the same time, the ban on switching on the bodycams when used in private apartments should be removed. So far, this has always been rejected with the reference to the inviolability of the apartment. Now, however, there are always conflicts with the police, especially when it comes to domestic violence. The same applies here: transparency helps.

In addition, the coalition is rightly committed to investing in police and fire service personnel. The growth that began under red-red-green must continue. Then, for example, citizen-friendly contact area officers could be on the move throughout the city.

Technical and administrative structures are also to be expanded. There is a commitment to a new joint control center for the fire brigade and police, which is intended to significantly reduce the sometimes very long arrival times of the rescue service. However, that won’t happen before 2025.


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