Burkina: Referrals to the Mediator of Faso increase by 14% in 2022 compared to 2021 | BIA

by time news

2023-06-12 20:39:49


Burkina: Referrals to the Mediator of Faso increase by 14% in 2022 compared to 2021

Ouagadougou, June 12, 2022 (AIB) – The Mediator of Faso, Fatimata Sanou/Touré, indicated Monday in Ouagadougou, that referrals to his institution increased by more than 14% in 2022 compared to 2021, emphasizing that the scarcity of resources constitutes a real handicap in the implementation of activities.

“It appears from the assessment of the processing of complaint files that 11,033 complainants, including 2,378 men, 730 women and groups made up of 7,866 people, submitted 840 complaint files to the Institution. In 2022, the statistics revealed an increase of more than 14% in referrals to our institution compared to 2021,” said the Mediator of Faso, Fatimata Sanou/Touré.

According to Ms. Sanou, after investigation, 211 files were closed as of December 31, 2022 and 629 are still awaiting follow-up from the administration, claimants or under investigation.

The Mediator of Faso, Fatimata Sanou / Touré, spoke after leaving the audience with the Prime Minister of Burkina Me Apollinaire Kyelem, to whom she presented the 2021 and 2022 reports of her institution.

“Out of 301 arrests made by the Mediator of Faso, the structures in question reacted 157 times, i.e. an overall reaction rate of 52.2%”, she underlined.

For her, this rate is down 14 points compared to the rate for 2021 and is one of the lowest reaction rates in the history of the Institution.

The Mediator of Faso indicated that in the field of self-referral and advocacy, the action of the Mediator of Faso essentially focused on the crisis within the Nazi BONI University of Bobo-Dioulasso, the crisis following the restoration of the minaret of the great mosque of Dioulassoba, advocacy for the construction and maintenance of public latrines in the major cities of Burkina Faso and advocacy for the maintenance of the Caisse des dépôts et de consignation of Burkina Faso.

As for the year 2021, “we note that 6,286 complainants, including 3,174 men and 1,699 women, submitted 746 complaints to the Institution”, she revealed.

Ms. Sanou indicated that the instruction made it possible to close 137 files as of December 31, 2021, while 609 are still being processed.

“Out of 289 arrests made by the Mediator of Faso, the structures in question reacted 191 times, i.e. an overall reaction rate of 66.1%”, she underlined.

Fatimata Sanou/Touré affirmed that the institution also carried out advocacy actions in 2021 for the strengthening of the fight against terrorism, for the reopening of the Philippe Zinda Kaboré high school and for the support of widows and orphans of the Defense Forces and of security (FDS) fallen on the theater of the operations of fight against terrorism.

There is also the application of the decree on the promotion and promotion of Faso Dan Fani in Burkina Faso, for the alleviation of the situation of “expensive life” in Burkina Faso and the plea for the repair of the Lycée Nelson.

“Despite the efforts made by the Institution in the execution of its missions, it is confronted with the slowness in the reactivity of the administrations challenged and the scarcity of resources which constitutes a real handicap in the implementation of the activities”, has she concluded.

Burkina Information Agency


#Burkina #Referrals #Mediator #Faso #increase #compared #BIA

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