The Polisario Front assures that the freedom of Western Sahara is “unstoppable and irreversible”

by time news

2023-06-14 02:43:31


The representative of the Polisario Front to the United Nations, Sidi Mohamed Omar, has assured that the freedom of Western Sahara is “unstoppable and irreversible”, and has reaffirmed that they will continue to defend their national aspirations “by all legitimate means” and “for as long as be necessary”.

“Despite the fact that more than sixty years ago this commission included Western Sahara (then Spanish Sahara) on its list as a Non-Self-Governing Territory, recognizing the status of the territory as a matter of decolonization and the responsibility of the United Nations towards the people Saharawi, (…) the last colony in Africa is still being denied today the exercise of its inalienable right to self-determination and independence”, declared Omar, reported the Saharawi agency SPS.

In addition, he has assured before the United Nations Fourth Committee on Special Policy and Decolonization that the Saharawis “firmly support independence and oppose any integration with Morocco and Mauritania” and that the Polisario is “the dominant political force in the territory”. .

“The unjustifiable inaction of the international community is what has encouraged the occupying State of Morocco to continue, with complete impunity, occupying parts of Western Sahara by force, violating United Nations resolutions and obstructing the process of decolonization of the territory”, Omar added.

Lastly, the Polisario representative reiterated his intention to seek a “quick and definitive solution to the conflict” and that they will continue to fight for “self-determination and independence.”

The former Spanish colony was occupied by Morocco despite the resistance of the Polisario Front, with whom it remained at war until 1991, when both parties signed a ceasefire with a view to holding a referendum on self-determination, but differences over the elaboration of the census and the inclusion or not of Moroccan settlers has so far prevented its call.

On November 14, 2020, the Polisario Front declared the ceasefire with Morocco broken in response to a Moroccan military action against Saharawi activists in Guerguerat, in the agreed demilitarized zone, which meant for the Saharawis a violation of the conditions of the Stop the fire.

The Saharawi independentistas suffered a setback when the Spanish government supported the Moroccan autonomy plan, a change of position on the matter and which was described as treason by the Polisario Front and which also sparked criticism from Algeria considering their statements “an individual and biased by the Sánchez government”.

#Polisario #Front #assures #freedom #Western #Sahara #unstoppable #irreversible

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