These are the most common blood types in the world

by time news

2023-06-14 20:00:25

  • Blood transfusions between groups that are not compatible can lead to hemolysis, anemia, kidney failure, circulatory shock, and even death.
  • Worldwide O+ tops the list of the most common blood types
  • In Mexico, the majority type is O with 58%. Then follows group A with 27% and in third place is group B with 10%.

People can be completely different from each other but there is an internal element that unites them. They all have the same composition although based on bones, organs and tissues. Blood also stands out for being a vital liquid to be able to live, but do you know which are the most common types in the world?

To begin with, according to Kids Health blood is necessary because it carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. In addition, it is also responsible for sending carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system.

Regarding its composition, It is made up of blood cells and plasma. Plasma is a yellowish liquid that contains nutrients, hormones, proteins, and waste products.

compatibility between blood groups

In order to perform a correct blood transfusion, it is mandatory to verify the compatibility between the existing blood groups. Failure to do so can cause health problems such as an immune reaction that can lead to hemolysis, anemia, renal failure, circulatory shock and even death.

The most common blood types in the world

Now, although at first glance the blood looks the same in all people, in reality it is not. In general, there are four different types: A, B, O y ABand each of them can be positive or negative, depending on the presence (or not) of the so-called “Rh” antigen on the surface of the red blood cells.

Each blood group has different qualities. For example, type O- are universal donors: they can donate blood to anyone. Instead, AB+ are universal recipients, so they can receive donations from any group.

For his part, according to Statesman the most common group in the world is the O+. Although when analyzing by region the results are different. In the case of the European continent, the majority of the population has A+ blood.

In contrast, only two countries on the planet of those registered in the World Population Review have a higher proportion of B+ blood groups: Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The countries with the clearest preponderance of a certain blood group are all of the O+ blood type, with 75% of the population from Ecuador, followed by 70% from Peru and 63% from Zimbabwe.

The most common blood type in Mexico

In this sense, in the case of Mexico the majority rate is 0 with 58 percent. Then follows group A with 27 percent and in third place is group B with 10 percent. While in last place is type AB with barely four percent of the total population.

Also read:

GRAPHIC: The rarest and most common blood types in the world

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