Immigration, reshuffle… Elisabeth Borne projects herself despite rumors

by time news

2023-06-15 00:54:15

Emmanuel Macron consults at all costs but Élisabeth Borne obviously wants to remind you that, according to the latest news, she is the head of government. The Prime Minister gave a long interview to our colleagues from Figaro to take stock of the hot issues of the moment, by evacuating the rumors which announce that he will be replaced in the more or less short term in his functions at Matignon. “Giving up, it’s not in my DNA”she says.

Son premier horizon ? The famous milestone of 100 days set by Emmanuel Macron. The one who, despite a 17th motion of censure tabled by the left-wing deputies in the National Assembly, must lead the government to “provide very concrete answers” to the French. These responses, it wishes to implement them in consultation with trade unions and employers’ organisations. “Discussions are underway to lead to a multilateral meeting and draw up a social agenda in the coming months,” she explains.

From her ministers, while the reshuffle is burning everyone’s lips within the executive, Elisabeth Borne says she expects a certain requirement. “We are in a complicated moment in our political life, with an unprecedented composition of the National Assembly under the Fifth Republic. It is certain that ministers, whatever their background, must have the vision, the ability to lead their administration, to bring texts to Parliament, to exchange regularly with deputies and senators. These are more essential qualities than ever, ”she argues.

A gesture towards LR on immigration?

Asked about the advisability of changing certain ministers, the tenant of Matignon “reserves” nevertheless “these questions to [ses] exchanges with the President of the Republic. “Does she want to stay at Matignon, where Emmanuel Macron appointed her more than a year ago? “I am not in the commentary, but in the action. There is a roadmap that I am implementing to concretely respond to the concerns of the French. On purchasing power, full employment, ecological transition, education, health, security and justice, we are moving forward, ”she replied.

As for the Republicans (LR), Elisabeth Borne recalls that the latter “did not express the wish to discuss a coalition”. Adding that “in one year, we have passed many reforms by finding majorities text by text. We are implementing the program of the President of the Republic”. However, a door seems to open as to the negotiations to be conducted with LR within the framework of the immigration law to bring out a majority. “The first logic is to allow all those who are here regularly to have access to a job”, underlines the Prime Minister. As for the residence permit for undocumented workers in shortage occupations, the Prime Minister makes it “an objective”, but whose “modalities are to be discussed”. “With the creation of a residence permit in shortage occupations, the idea is not to create a breath of fresh air, but to take certain situations into account,” argued the head of government.

Furthermore, when asked about the case of Marlène Schiappa, heard on Wednesday by the Senate inquiry committee on the Marianne Fund fight against “separatism”, the head of government replied laconically: “An inspection of the administration, a judicial inquiry and a parliamentary commission of inquiry are underway. So I’m not going to comment on that.” Sunday, on France 3, she had deemed “not necessary” to separate from her Secretary of State.

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