“Without female programmers, the algorithms will have a gender bias”

by time news

2023-06-14 06:30:37

The founder and co-director of the Girona consultancy PlaybrandDavid Martí, was appointed president of the New Technology Companies Association of Girona (AENTEG) at the end of June 2017, now six years ago. This Wednesday give way to Albert Alemany, founder and director of Alterego Web, who will replace him in the position. Since Martí’s arrival, the technology sector has undergone many changes, with the pandemic in the middle, which have caused technology to gain importance in society.

Why does he decide not to run again?

I’ve always believed that you should stay for a relatively short time, that’s my opinion. Above all because team work must be valued and it is very important to work in relief, because in the end it is one of the signs of good health of an entity.

Will it continue, however, at AENTEG?

Yes, I will continue as a member of the board, which is something that the previous president also did and that Albert Alemany, the new president, has asked me to do.

“The pandemic ends up causing an acceleration of the digitization of society”


During these six years in the presidency there have been great technological changes, but also the pandemic. Does it give a good assessment of the mandate?

The pandemic is a turning point that ends up causing an acceleration of the digitization of society in general and of companies in particular, and here at AENTEG we have noticed a change, we have come to occupy a much more central space. This has helped to grow the sector and AENTEG itself and gives us a point of responsibility. In addition, we are very proud to have managed to get many different companies to become part of AENTEG, such as digital marketing companies, consultancies or those dedicated to biotechnology. While the biggest problems or challenges in the sector are the recruitment of talent or the incorporation of women into the world of new technologies.

How do you work to get women to gain weight in the sector?

Until high school there is a certain equanimity of boys and girls in subjects of robotics and that style and from that moment on, I’m not a specialist, but that’s when it breaks down and I don’t tell you anymore when they get to university. This means that at some point there is a gap and that’s when you have to act. The other thing is to highlight that female talent and I think we do a lot of that. If we do not achieve as a society that there are women programmers we will have algorithms with a gender bias, which in fact is already happening.

Do you know what causes this break? Are we also talking about a matter of preferences or are tastes influenced by society?

I think it is mainly a social, cultural and model reproduction issue. You watch TV and you see gentlemen like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs… When, in reality, historically, if you look a little you will find it, but you have to look for it, the first people who dedicated themselves to programming were women .

“Work must be done to get students ready for the labor market”


I mentioned it earlier, from the sector it has been repeated repeatedly that there is a lack of people. A few months ago at the E-TECH awards, the CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​Francesc Fajula, said that the sector cannot grow further for this reason. Is it still like this?

Yes, that’s right. And I would say that not only the technology sector, the economic sector in general. We at Playbrand have clients in the industrial sector and they tell us that they could be billing three times as much, but they don’t because they don’t have turners, millers, maintenance technicians…

The last time I interviewed him, he told me that, in addition, many of those studied do not come out prepared because the studies are not adapted to the needs of the market. Do you think the situation is improving?

Yes, but it takes a lot of work. Businesses and the education system cannot work on our backs. Companies already assume, and I would even say it is good, that there is a part of the more specific training that you have to do yourself. In addition, permanent more will have to do it, because things change.

#female #programmers #algorithms #gender #bias

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