Prosecco toasts the recognition of the brand in China, Australia battuta-

by time news

Italian Prosecco producers have one more reason to toast Christmas: Prosecco has obtained formal recognition of the brand in China. A victory that paves the way for Italian wine in the vast Asian market. The Chinese trademark office (Cnipa) has rejected the opposition of Australian wine producers against the registration of the Prosecco brand which in fact recognizes the bubbles of the Northeast as a product protected by Geographical indication (Ig). This was announced by the president of the Doc Consortium, Stefano Zanette, speaking of a particularly important result, also considering the strategic role of the Chinese market. So the made in Italy obtains protection in China, while in Europe it is fighting the battle not to be imitated by the Croatian Prosek.

The wait since 2014

The consortium representing the Italian Prosecco producers had applied for recognition in China in 2014, finding for the Australian opposition: now the objections raised by theAustralian Grape and Wine Incorporated, the organization that represents Australian wine producers in national and international disputes, were rejected by the Chinese trademark office which recognized prosecco as a typical geographical indication, guaranteeing official commercial protection for Italian wine. A success also attested byambassador of Italy to the People’s Republic of China, Luca Ferrari, who in a letter sent to President Zanette expresses his personal congratulations for the positive conclusion of the procedure in question, which represents a step forward in the defense of the Prosecco appellation in this country. This is an excellent result obtained thanks to the constant synergy between the Italian Embassy in Beijing, the Italian institutions on the national territory and the Consortium.

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