Rammstein: Prosecutors are investigating Till Lindemann – Shelby Lynn speaks out

by time news

2023-06-14 16:49:00

Deutschland Rammstein singer

Prosecutors investigate Lindemann – Shelby Lynn welcomes investigation

Berlin public prosecutor investigates against Rammstein frontman

The public prosecutor’s office has initiated investigations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann. Several ads have been received.

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The public prosecutor’s office in Berlin is investigating Till Lindemann on allegations of sexual offenses and the sale of narcotics. The Northern Irishwoman Shelby Lynn, who has made allegations against the band, says WELT that this development means a lot to those affected.

DThe Berlin public prosecutor’s office is investigating Rammstein singer Till Lindemann. This was confirmed by a press spokeswoman on Wednesday WELT. previously had “Bild” and “daily mirrorreported about it.

The investigations were initiated due to several criminal complaints by third parties, i.e. persons not involved in the crime, and ex officio by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, the spokeswoman said. It is about allegations of sexual offenses and the delivery of narcotics. Further information could not be given at the moment in order not to jeopardize the ongoing investigations and to protect the personal rights of those potentially injured.

“Bild” and “Tagesspiegel” had reported that the public prosecutor saw initial suspicion against Lindemann under Section 177 of the Criminal Code, which covered the areas of “sexual assault; sexual assault; rape”. Accordingly, two reports were received in Berlin against the singer.

Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (independent) had previously reported on the case in the Judiciary Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives behind closed doors. The background was the question of a Berlin left-wing politician with a view to reports about the allegations against the front man of the Berlin band. If the public prosecutor’s office becomes aware of a suspicion of a crime, they must investigate. Media reports can be the trigger for this. The presumption of innocence applies until the investigation is completed.

WELT AM SONNTAG published a four-page investigation in early June, in which several women allege that they had been drugged at Rammstein concerts and that they had been victims of sexual assault; the research network from NDR, WDR and SZ had also reported serious allegations against the band. In the period that followed, several women – some anonymously – made allegations against Rammstein frontman Lindemann.

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Scandal around Till Lindemann

The women describe situations that some of them would have found frightening. Young women were selected during concerts and asked if they wanted to come to the after show party. According to some women, sexual acts are said to have occurred. Lindemann had had parts of the allegations against him rejected by a media lawyer.

Northern Ireland’s Shelby Lynn also made serious allegations against the band after a Rammstein concert. After questioning the woman, the Lithuanian police refused to conduct a criminal investigation. Lynn is taking action against this, as WELT reported. According to WELT information, a final decision on the matter has not yet been made in Lithuania.

Shelby Lynn: “Glad Our Voices Are Finally Being Heard”

Lynn welcomed the investigations by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office on Wednesday. “I am very happy that our voices are finally being heard and taken seriously,” said the 24-year-old in an interview with WELT. “Especially after the actions of the Lithuanian police and the lawyers of Till Lindemann, this development means a lot to those affected.”

Deputy Sebastian Schlüsselburg (left), who asked the judiciary committee of the Berlin House of Representatives to investigate Lindemann, said: “If the public prosecutor sees an initial suspicion, then it is right if they start investigations”. The results would have to be awaited. The presumption of innocence applies.

Research on Rammstein and Lindemann

“But it’s not just about the question of whether there were criminally relevant offenses. Above all, it’s about whether structural power imbalances are being exploited,” said Schlüsselburg. Such power imbalances exist everywhere in society and not only in the cultural sector, and they obviously invite abuse. “That’s why it’s important to raise awareness of structures that encourage this abuse of power,” said Schlüsselburg. People who had power in these structures “must be held responsible for ensuring that abuse does not occur”.

Most recently, Rammstein played four concerts in Munich. A spokeswoman for the Munich I public prosecutor said WELT: “Afflicted have not yet contacted us, not even after the four Rammstein concerts in Munich.”

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