Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo and Quilombo São Pedro open exhibition in partnership

by time news

2023-06-14 21:30:00

On June 24, the Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo, an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo, opens the exhibition “Roça é Vida”, the result of a curatorship process shared with the Association of Remanescentes of Quilombo de São Pedro which, based on the Traditional Quilombola Agricultural System (SATQ), recognized as Intangible Heritage of Brazil by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), presents highlights of the life of the quilombolas of the Quilombo São Pedro community, in the municipality of Eldorado – SP, in the Ribeira Valley, a region considered a Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Inspired by books Roça is Life (2020) e In the company of Dona Fartura: a story about quilombola food culture (2022), proposed, written and illustrated by researchers and educators from Quilombolas and Quilombolas in the territory, the exhibition is composed of the originals and enlargements of the watercolors that illustrate the books, photographs, objects of daily use, objects from the Association’s collection, poetry, seeds creoles and a video produced especially for the exhibition.

Initiated in 2017, the partnership between Associação Museu Afro Brasil and Associação dos Remanescentes de Quilombo de São Pedro integrates the actions of the Conexões Museus SP Program, of the State System of Museums of São Paulo – SISEM-SP, and aims to contribute to the preservation and the extroversion of Quilombo São Pedro’s heritage, memory and culture, based on the offer of contents and experiences with museological procedures and cultural production.

Read too:
To inspire young people, quilombolas from Vale do Ribeira (SP) launch book ‘Roça é Vida’
Dona Fartura: Quilombolas write a book that unites food and resistance

About the Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo

The Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo is an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo managed by the Museu Afro Brasil Association – Social Organization of Culture. Inaugurated in 2004, based on the private collection of its curator, Emanoel Araujo (1940-2022), the museum is a space of history, memory and art.

Located in the Pavilhão Padre Manoel da Nóbrega, within the most famous park in São Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera, the Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo conserves, in about 12,000 m2, a museum collection with more than 9,000 works, presenting various aspects of the African and Afro-Brazilian cultural universes and addressing topics such as religiosity, art and history, based on the contributions of the black population to the construction of Brazilian society and national culture.

The museum displays part of this collection in the long-term exhibition and holds temporary exhibitions, educational activities, in addition to a wide cultural program.

About Quilombo São Pedro
Book ‘In the company of Dona Fartura’ portrays the daily life of the quilombola communities of Vale do Ribeira

Quilombo São Pedro comprises an area of ​​4,692 hectares in the municipality of Eldorado, in the Ribeira Valley, a region in São Paulo that has the largest concentration of Atlantic Forest in Brazil and which since 1999 has been considered a Natural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational Organization , Science and Culture (UNESCO).

The territory is home to 56 families and a diverse biodiversity, and has masonry residences, the headquarters of the Quilombo São Pedro Association, coivara swiddens, community garden, rivers and springs, rammed earth houses, rammed earth flour mill, floodplain soccer field, chapel, bar and collection of objects.

It neighbors the Ivaporunduva, Galvão, Pedro Cubas, Pedro Cubas de Cima quilombos and the Intervales State Park.

In addition to preserving the Quilomboa Traditional Agricultural System (SATQ), recognized in 2018 as an Intangible Heritage of Brazil by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), the quilombolas organize festivities, memory wheels about the struggles and the conquest of the right to lands.

They also stand out for the university education of their young people and adults, and for their engagement in institutions, movements, projects and events such as the Coletivo Mulheres Quilombolas na Luta, the National Coordination of Quilombos Articulation (CONAQ), the Cooperativa dos Agricultores Quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira (Cooperquivale), the Articulation and Advisory Team for Black Communities (EAACONE), the Forum of Traditional Peoples and Communities of the Ribeira Valley, the Puxirão Bernardo Furquim Cultural Group, the Movement of People Threatened by Dams (MOAB), the WG da Roça, the Fair for the Exchange of Traditional Seeds and Seedlings of the Quilombola Communities of Vale do Ribeira, in Eldorado (SP), and the project “From the quilombo to the favela”.

The latter, born in the covid-19 pandemic, was an alternative for the disposal of organic agricultural products, aiming at a lesser impact on the economy of the quilombola communities of Vale do Ribeira, given the end of the sale of products to the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) , from the Ministry of Education.

Exhibition “Roça é Vida”

Opening: June 24, 2023, at 2 pm

Period: From June 24 to September 24, 2023

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Location: Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araujo | Ibirapuera Park, Gate 10

Address: Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n – Vila Mariana, São Paulo – SP

Press office

Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo

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