Healthy, fast and really cheaper: how to make your detergent

by time news

2023-06-15 17:17:33

The advantages are numerous… for very few disadvantages. Doing your own laundry isn’t rocket science. Not only does it cost you a lot less than buying it, but the benefits for the planet are real.

“Most of the detergents sold are made up of ingredients that are not very, if at all, biodegradable: chemical residues that escape with the evacuated water and end up in the ocean, which is harmful to marine ecosystems” , points to Caroline Vivant, co-founder of the websitea responsible consumption guide that gives advice and recommends products for a greener daily life.

For those sold in capsules, it is even worse since even if they are water-soluble, they allow microparticles to pass through. And for liquids, what about that plastic canister that we buy every time and which therefore ends up in the trash! Admittedly, some brands are now relying on recyclable or cardboard packaging. But you have to renew it every month.

Also beware of these detergents that present themselves as “green” or whose packaging suggests that they are (with the color that goes well, wholesale photos of Marseille soap, etc.). A quick glance at the list of ingredients used lets you know if they are that eco-friendly. The longer it is, the more suspicious it is.

Shake well, watch out for clogs in the machine

And this is one of the great advantages of homemade laundry detergent, which only requires three ingredients. “A sober and healthy composition”, describes Caroline Vivant. Or 50 g of Marseille soap in shavings to melt in two liters of hot water, to which we add 40 g of baking soda and 20 g of soda crystals.

“Mix well, without placing yourself above the pan so as not to be bothered by fumes,” she says. Then let cool before pouring into a container that you will obviously reuse each time. So it’s zero waste! ” And voila ! Your detergent is ready in about fifteen minutes… “for less than 50 cents per litre” compared to 6.93 euros per liter for the Ariel Original canister and around 5 euros, excluding promotions, for the Vert Tree container, on the Carrefour website. A huge gain in purchasing power, therefore, at a time when inflation is weighing down the French budget.

A few minor drawbacks, however. In particular the risk that your detergent freezes in its bottle. “So you have to shake the can well, even strongly,” she advises. Otherwise, you pass the whole thing in a mixer or blender. » It risks being more compact than industrial products and clogging up your washing machine by creating clogs. “To avoid this, run your machine empty at 90 degrees with the equivalent of two glasses of white vinegar. You can also use soda crystals. This technique is also recommended, regardless of the detergent used, to properly maintain your appliance and eliminate greasy soap residue.

As effective as those in supermarkets

Another criticism sometimes formulated: the lack of smell. “We are used to industrial detergents that smell of this or that. But nothing prevents you from adding orange blossom water, lavender water to the mixture…”, she explains. Finally, and this is the main question: does homemade detergent wash as well as those bought in supermarkets? “I’ve been doing it myself for three or four years. So I think I have enough perspective to answer yes, as long as the dirt is normal, ”says Caroline Vivant.

For large greasy or grass stains, however, she advises using Sommières clay which “has an absorbent power”, or a stain-removing soap bought in an organic store. “For the egg white, don’t hesitate to add a spoonful of percarbonate,” she recommends. Before acknowledging that she always has an industrial detergent in her closet for “big accidents”. “But I hardly use it,” she says.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 50 g of Marseille soap (in shavings or to grate)
  • 40 g baking soda
  • 20 g of soda crystals


  1. Heat the water in a large saucepan and melt the 50 g of soap flakes. Mix well.
  2. Turn off the heat, add the baking soda and the soda crystals. Stir again to make the mixture homogeneous.
  3. Leave to cool and pour the detergent into your container. If it is too compact, use a mixer or blender.
  4. Shake well after each use.

#Healthy #fast #cheaper #detergent

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