They intervene in the ravine with four strategies

by time news

2023-06-14 16:43:22

In the 37 kilometers of the Las Abras ravine there are 291 critical points, the ravine intervenes with four strategies, four institutions have the task of attending to them, namely: the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE), the Municipality of Riobamba , Guano and the Prefecture of Chimborazo. On the side of the ‘Sultana’ they have already begun with the tasks for the recovery of this body of water.

Background. In sections of the ravine they have filled it between 30 and 80 meters. An orthophoto from 1954 shows that in a section they filled 60 meters wide! According to Jorge Hidalgo, Risk Management leader and secretary of the cantonal Emergency Operations Committee (COE), of what it was, almost nothing remains .

Situation. Despite the fact that they have already started work in the Las Acacias sector, there was a lack of socialization, the same thing that Hidalgo recognized and pointed out that they will expand the intervention areas, this being the main annoyance of the members of the Collective in Defense of the Las Abras ravine, they demand that it be known if there is a plan and articulation with the other institutions for recovery.

Sepal. Hidalgo explained that they work based on 3 lines of action made up of 4 strategies and depending on the 21 intervention areas, they determined from 19 to 25 recovery processes, since each of them has different degrees of affectation.
Explanation. In Las Acacias they carry out the initial reconsideration of the water channel and other actions, according to Hidalgo this is a worrying point.

#intervene #ravine #strategies

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