“Difficult year, even industries affected by cost explosion” – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-06-15 19:12:00

Rome, 15 June. (time.news) – “It was a difficult year” and even if “there was an excellent reactivity from a credit point of view” from the manufacturing world, “as industries we were immediately hit by this explosion in costs”. This was revealed by Francesco Mutti, president of Centromarca and managing director of Mutti, speaking at the meeting ‘Global scenarios, Italian perspectives: deciphering complexity to govern change’, promoted in Milan by Centromarca.

As industries, Mutti underlined, “we have been told many times that behind” the price increase “was speculation on our part but, unfortunately once the companies’ balance sheets came out, we saw that behind” the price increase “there hasn’t been, on average, a speculative push”, on the contrary “unfortunately there has been a contraction in the margin against an increase due to the cost of production factors”.

“We are among the supply chains that have the most impact in terms of GDP but our political weight as a supply chain is still low”. And he highlighted the risks of a “disunion” between companies in the supply chain and added: “Asking for a common table to block price lists at a time when companies are suffering is not the case”.

“What” as a supply chain “we should work on today, imagining a scenario of return of the inflationary spiral, is to work on some very shared projects” on “weight targets” and “our say would be significantly different”. “Occasionally – observed Mutti’s CEO – we feel pulled by the jacket when there is a distribution need”. “In my opinion – Mutti also argued – as a supply chain we could do a lot”. Mutti recalled that “as a tomato supply chain, one of the poorest, in 10 years we have managed to create a supply chain and we have managed to bring elements of value to a cultural desert”. “In my opinion, if we were able, with everyone’s planning, to create something and also to give ourselves important objectives, for a supply chain that has weight on the national GDP, our say could be significantly different and we could further improve some aspects, both at a legislative and executive level”, which in the end translates into “the ability to bring better products and ever higher quality with an ever lower impact on the spending power of our consumers” he concluded.

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