The 5 best Nursing universities in Latin America

by time news

2023-06-16 00:00:18

  • PAHO establishes that the work of nursing personnel encompasses the autonomous and collaborative care of people of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or healthy and in all settings.
  • The annual work QS World University Rankings 2023 published the results of its analysis of the best higher education schools in the world.
  • When searching by filters it is possible to know the best Nursing universities in Latin America.

When talking about health professionals, one immediately thinks of doctors, although in reality there are other guilds that are involved in patient care. In this case, collaboration and teamwork are the basis for achieving good results. With this in mind, it is worth knowing what are considered the best nursing universities in Latin America.

On many occasions, nurses are unfairly minimized because it is thought that their work is not important. The reality is very different because their role is necessary to provide a comprehensive service.

In the same way, it is mistakenly believed that it is the complement of doctors when it is not exactly so. Each one has a different formation and must comply with different activities.

What is the role of nursing staff?

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) states that nursing encompasses the autonomous and collaborative care of people of all ages, families, groups, and communities, sick or well, and in all settings.

Nursing professionals are in the first line of action in the provision of services and play an important role in care centered on people and communities. In many countries they are leaders or key players in multiprofessional and interdisciplinary health teams.

The best nursing universities in Latin America

As in Medicine, the training part is necessary and mandatory. It is required to have specific studies to be able to perform the job professionally. But although there are many schools, only some are classified as the best nursing universities in Latin America.

In this regard, the annual ranking QS World University Rankings 2023 made an analysis of more than two thousand professional education schools around the world. In the end, he determined the best ones and also allows filters by races and regions.

From the above it is obtained that the best school to study Nursing in Latin America is the University of São Paulo in Brazil. This space founded in 1934 is recognized for its curriculum and facilities.

Among the public universities, it is the one with the largest number of positions for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Brazil. It is also responsible for training the largest number of teachers and doctors in the world. It is also responsible for half of the scientific production of the State of São Paulo and more than 25% of that of Brazil.

For its part, the second position within the best Nursing universities in Latin America is for the University of Chile. It stands out because it is the oldest in the Andean country. It is also recognized as one of the best for its leadership and innovation in the field of science, technology, humanities and arts.

Finally, another three appear in the ranking and the most striking thing is that they are all Brazilian. Are the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), the Federal University of São Paulo and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. While within the ranking there are no schools in Mexico.

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#Nursing #universities #Latin #America

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