Dengue Outbreak in Peru: Health Emergency Declared in 18 Regions with 200 Deaths – Washington Post

by time news

2023-06-15 22:11:08

The authorities in Peru declared a state of health emergency in 18 regions of the country, after monitoring more than 140,000 cases of “dengue” fever, which caused the death of 200 people.

According to a newspaper report Washington Post Fears of the spread of this disease are rising in South American countries and countries in the tropics due to higher temperatures, which are more suitable for the breeding of mosquitoes that spread the disease.


Dengue fever is an endemic disease transmitted by mosquitoes and causes high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and, in severe cases, bleeding that can lead to death.

And she says Global Health Organization Almost half of the world’s population is at risk of contracting this disease, with an estimated 100 to 400 million people affected annually, and it is concentrated in tropical and subtropical climates in the world.

The organization distinguishes between “dengue fever” and “severe dengue fever”, as the first cases may be asymptomatic or cause “mild illnesses”, and the second may have severe and fatal symptoms.

Although there is no specific treatment for this disease, early detection and the provision of necessary medical care reduce death rates or severe symptoms.

How is the disease transmitted?

Not being bitten by mosquitoes is the only way to prevent infection. archival

Dengue fever occurs after catching one of the four viruses that cause it, but it is not transmitted from one infected person to another, but rather through mosquito bites, according to the “Dengue” website.Mayo Clinic“.

Transmission usually occurs when a mosquito bites an infected person to become a carrier of the virus, and when it bites another person, it transmits this virus to him through his bite into the bloodstream.

The Health Organization indicates that the infection may be transmitted from humans to mosquitoes two days before the onset of symptoms, and two days after the disappearance of the fever.

Symptoms of dengue fever

Dealing with severe dengue requires medical attention

Patients may not show any signs of infection, or they may have mild to moderate symptoms and improve within a week.

Symptoms usually appear about four to ten days after infection, according to the World Health Organization, which may include:

  • high fever
  • severe headache
  • Pain behind the eye socket
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • swollen glands
  • rash

After the disappearance of these symptoms, some may develop symptoms of “severe dengue”, which include:

  • severe pain in the abdomen
  • persistent vomiting
  • rapid breathing
  • Bleeding gums or nose
  • Fatigue and feeling weak
  • Blood in vomit or stool
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Pale and cold skin

Prevention and treatment

Authorities are trying to control mosquitoes in Peru to stop the spread of dengue fever. archival

The best way to prevent infection with this disease is to reduce the possibility of exposure to insect bites, specifically mosquitoes.

Pain relievers are usually used to relieve symptoms of the disease, while avoiding the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding.

There is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever, but the Dengvaxia vaccine is given to people who have had it once and live in places where the disease is common, and this vaccine reduces severe symptoms and the hospitalization rate for eight out of ten children who may receive it (i.e. 80 percent). percent), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.CDC“.

In the event of severe dengue symptoms, medical care must be provided to the injured person in the hospital.

#Fears #spread #South #America. #dengue #fever

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