“Miracle diets”: keys to detect them

by time news

2023-06-16 08:46:44

Due to the viral challenges of Social Networks, “miracle diets” proliferate. #SaludSinBulos and professionals from Dietitian-Nutritionist colleges have prepared a report to warn of the dangers of following a diet that is too strict and to give tips that allow us to identify them

Social networks are often a source of inspiration, especially for the youngest. However, it is worrisome to think that viralizationn certain challenges that affect health, such as following extreme “miracle diets”.

In the report made by the #SaludSinBulos Institute and the General Council of Official Colleges of Dietitians-Nutritionists (CGCODN) called Miracle diets: promises and riskswe find the characteristics of these diets to know how to identify them, as well as their most serious side effects and the solutions that professionals offer us to maintain a sustainable diet.

“Social networks and the viral challenges that circulate above all in the reels Instagram or TikTok videos have become a speaker for ‘miracle diets’, which are very dangerous for the health of those who follow them. For this reason, from #SaludsinBulos we recommend facing weight loss with the help of a dietitian-nutritionist”, says Carlos Mateos, coordinator of the #SaludsinBulos Institute.

Social media can encourage unhealthy eating behaviors. EFE/Facundo Arrizabalaga

What is considered a “miracle diet”?

“Miracle diets”, as experts explain, are those that promise considerable weight loss in a short time and restrict or ban certain products or entire food groups.

They tend to be monotonous and perpetuate the association between body weight and health. In addition, they have a compensatory character with food transgressions.

In general, the report points out, we can identify them because they do not provide reliable evidence of their efficacy and safety, they are not prescribed by a health professional and they are accompanied by a specific method or book.

“They promise to lose weight in a short time and without effort and totally or partially restricting foods or basic food groups such as legumes, cereals or fruits and vegetables. They are dangerous. They establish bad habits, favor nutritional imbalances and are unsustainable in the long term. They are usually very low in calories and extremely limit the intake of foods that provide carbohydrates. Although they can lead to rapid initial weight loss, the weight lost is mainly from body water and muscle mass,” says Alma Palau, president of the CGCODN.

These diets, in addition to having serious health risks, often have a rebound effectwhich makes the person recover all the weight lost once they leave it.

“The “miracle diets” have serious health consequences. EFE/Andrew Meade

The best-known “miracle diets”

There are numerous types of “miracle diets”.

Some of the ones that have had the most impact are dissociated diets. These are characterized by trying not to mix food groups. Among the best-known dissociated diets are the Hollywood Diet, the Hay Diet, the Shelton Diet, the Montignac Diet or the Anti-Diet.

Unbalanced hypocaloric diets are also well known, characterized by their low calorie consumption. In this group we find examples such as the “Take half” Diet, the Gourmet Diet, the Dukan Diet or the Zero Diet.

On the other hand, there are “miracle diets” whose objective is simply to limit or exclude certain foods. For example, the Prittikin Diet or Dr. Haa’s are diets without lipids or proteins. The Scardale Diet, that of the Astronauts, that of Hollywood, that of Atkins, that of Lutz or that of Liquid Protein, exclude carbohydrates.

Main side effects

Some of the side effects that can be experienced with these diets are:

  • tiredness and apathy.
  • nutritional deficit.
  • Increased cardiovascular risk.
  • Impaired liver and kidney function.
  • Possible reproductive problems.
  • Frustration and low self-esteem.
  • Development of eating disorders (TCA).

What should we do?

While it is true that “miracle diets” are quite dangerous and harmful to our health, that does not mean that eating healthy and sustainably over time is impossible. If what you want is to follow a hypocaloric diet, experts recommend making a slight or moderate reduction in daily energy depending on our habits.

In addition, it is important to consume the widest variety of foods possible, especially if they are fresh and minimally processed.

The “miracle diets” do not usually last long in time. EFE/ Ricardo Ferro

In it report carried out by the CGCODN and the #SaludSinBulos Institute to warn about the dangers of these “miracle diets” viralspecialists offer us guidelines to achieve a sustainable and healthy diet:

  1. Seek advice from a licensed healthcare professional.
  2. Do not look for a diet that lasts for a limited time, but change bad habits so that it is possible to prolong it over time.
  3. Reject any diet that contains any of the indicators of being a “miracle diet.”
  4. Prioritize health and the possibility of reducing cardiovascular risk.
  5. Accompany the process with physical exercise and healthy sleep habits.
  6. If you need it, accompany the follow-up of the dietitian-nutritionist with psychological treatment.

#Miracle #diets #keys #detect

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