Paris wants to give “political momentum” to a carbon tax on maritime transport

by time news

2023-06-16 12:11:20

Fighting climate change has become a priority in maritime transport. JORGE GUERRERO / AFP

“The needs are so enormous” to be able to fight “at the same time” against climate change and against poverty, that we “need new resources”, indicated the Elysée.

France wants to take advantage of the summit for a new global financial pact, which it is organizing next week in Paris, to give apolitical momentumto the proposed international tax on carbon emissions from maritime transport, the French presidency said on Friday. “The needs are so huge“to be able to fight”at the same timeagainst climate change and against poverty, that weneeds new resources“, said an adviser to President Emmanuel Macron, at the origin of this summit. “We hope that in Paris we will have given a real political impetusto this tax, she added.

On June 22 and 23, the French capital will welcome around a hundred countries, including around fifty represented by their Head of State or Government, to phosphorus at a “true transformation of the systemfinancial institution which dates from the middle of the 20th century, in order to provide thisfunding shock“. The institutions born at the end of the Second World War in Bretton Woods, namely the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, whose leaders will be present, “will have experienced a real refoundation on the occasion of this summit“, wants to believe the Elysee.

«France has offered to host this conversation” inasmuch as “platform“, more “does not have the ability to decide“, however, recognized the French presidency. Its priority is therefore to givea dynamic, a political momentumto solutions that are sometimes bogged down in very technical negotiations. This is the case, it is said on the French side, of this carbon tax on maritime trade, “worn for ten years by the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands“. Two weeks before a crucial meeting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), President Macron hopesgive a new echo to these proposalsin the hope of contributing to “lead to an ambitious decision».

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