Four patients killed: death nurse demands 81,600 euros compensation – News

by time news

In Germany, it is not uncommon for people to receive severance pay after they have been given notice. But the fact that death nurse Ines R. (52) insists on it stunned.

Potsdam – On April 28, she slit the throats of five severely disabled patients in a nursing home in Potsdam – four of them died. Her employer then kicked her out.

Angehörige haben vor dem Oberlin-Pflegeheim Blumen für die getöteten Patienten niedergelegtPhoto: Siegfried Purschke

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Relatives laid flowers for the killed patients in front of the Oberlin nursing homePhoto: Siegfried Purschke

It is now clear: Ines R. has to be imprisoned for 15 years and is placed in a closed psychiatric ward. The Potsdam Regional Court had found her guilty last Wednesday of fourfold murders, threefold attempted murders and the severe abuse of wards.

But after this judgment Ines R. will continue to stand before the court – before the labor court in Potsdam.

She was employed in the nursing home for 30 years until May of this year. The death nurse is now demanding that her wages be paid by the end of the year. She also wants a severance payment from her employer – 81,600 euros. A decision is to be made in February 2022. What makes a woman tick who, despite her murders, still demands money?

Her defense attorney had pleaded incapacity to the district court. His client experienced trauma in her childhood and was ruled by an “inner monster”. And Ines R. told an expert that “nothing had crossed her mind” during the act.

Four patients killed: death nurse demands a severance payment of 81,600 euros
Photo: BILD

Beim Gedenkgottesdienst in Potsdam standen vier Rollstühle für die schwerbehinderten Opfer vor dem AltarPhoto: Soeren Stache / dpa

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At the memorial service in Potsdam, four wheelchairs for the severely disabled victims stood in front of the altarPhoto: Soeren Stache / dpa

But the appraiser did not believe the nurse. She had interviewed witnesses who said that Ines R. deliberately murdered. She told her colleagues how “exhausting” the attempt was to strangle her first two victims. When she looked back into the room, she said: “He’s grinning so cheekily and is still alive!”

That was the trigger to get the knife, according to the appraiser. Her diagnosis of Ines R.’s murder fantasies: “This tendency persists and can increase.”

After all: Ines R. had apologized to the relatives in her closing remarks before the regional court.


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