Corona incidence at 105.4: Lower Saxony is almost a small paradise – domestic politics

by time news

Wittmund: 28! Wilhelmshaven: 32! Friesland 44! Emden: 46! Goslar: 58!

THAT are Germany’s oases of incidence – all in Lower Saxony (7-day incidence total: 105.4), most of them in the far north.

What’s behind it?

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (63, SPD) cites the cohesion of the people in his federal state as the reason. This is the only reason that Lower Saxony has come through the crisis well in comparison.

That’s what Weil said in a Christmas video that the State Chancellery distributed on Saturday via the social network Instagram. “We have to stand together if we want to master this great challenge together,” he said.

Which measures apply in Lower Saxony?

The country has also imposed a so-called Christmas rest, according to which a maximum of 25 people were allowed to meet indoors and 50 outdoors on Christmas Eve and on the two public holidays. This applies to people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus or have recovered from a Covid infection. Children are also included.

For unvaccinated people, the regulations are much stricter: A household can only meet two people from another household.

The Christmas rest period is at least until January 15th. Clubs had to close on Christmas Eve, events with more than 500 people are prohibited.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the current values ​​are only partially meaningful. During the holidays and at the turn of the year, less test and reporting activity can be expected.


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