«James» Senese restarts AstraDoc

by time news

noon, December 16, 2021 – 5:05 pm

Friday preview of the new edition with the film by Andrea Della Monica

After a year and a half of stoppage, “AstraDoc – Journey into the Cinema of the Real” finally returns with a special preview event of the new edition, the twelfth, which will start at the beginning of the new year.

Friday 17 December at 8.30 pm, the Cinema Documentary review, which now sees the consolidated collaboration of Arci Movie, Parallelo 41 Produzioni, Coinor and Universit “Federico II”, proposes JAMES by Andrea Della Monica (Italy 2020 – 70 ‘) produced by Audiomage and Area Live, a documentary that traces the life and career of the great James Senese and which was presented at the 77th Venice Film Festival in the “Venetian Nights” section curated by Giornate degli Autori and Isola Edipo.

The director Andrea Della Monica and the producer Davide Mastropaolo will intervene at the screening.

“Returning to Cinema Astra with this preview of Astradoc – underlines the curator of the review Antonio Borrelli – means returning to offering, first of all, important moments of socialization and cultural enjoyment to the passionate Neapolitan public, which, since 2009, has crowded the evenings of the review in past years. We are restarting and we will do it in the sign of the renewed conviction that AstraDoc represents a unicum in the city, with that idea of ​​focusing exclusively on the cinema of reality, often guilty invisible in the mainstream distribution circuit, and on the participation of many national authors and, we hope, also international. “

“Arci Movie – adds Roberto D’Avascio, president of Arci Movie – restarts from the Astra cinema in Naples and from the cinema of reality. With the AstraDoc review, a narrative and analysis discourse of our contemporaneity is resumed through cinema, which is even stronger and more decisive after two years of serious health and social crisis. Cinema will really help us reflect. “

The XII edition of AstraDoc will take place from January to May 2022 with a program of events that is under construction.

He film

The son of a Neapolitan girl and an African-American soldier, who grew up in the postwar period on the outskirts of the city of Naples, which he saw from the countryside transformed into the suburbs, James Senese was for a long time looking for an identity, pouring his conflicts into music. The documentary intends to return a portrait of the artist after fifty years of career, tracing the fulcrum of his artistic path in the formation of the Napoli Centrale band in the early seventies and tending an ideal bridge with the present to investigate the most recent evolution of that project. musical.

Director’s notes

“When I told James I was going to make a movie about him, he said: keep in mind I’m not dead! I did it. The film is not a hagiography, nor an attempt to secure James a place in the firmament of music. rather the photograph of something alive, to which I have chosen to keep as close as possible. In researching what influenced and made his music unique, I left part of the context for the history books. If you find Naples in the film, you do it through what James himself calls’ or sentiment. I tried to catch a glimpse of it and now I can’t wait to share it with the public ”. (Andrea Della Monica)

Senese: my life

“This documentary arrived in my life at the right time – comments James-. I wanted to talk about myself, stripping myself of my feelings and gathering around me a part of those people who have been important for my artistic career, supporting me in my choices and helping me to overcome the obstacles I encountered during my existence. A special thanks then I owe to my wife who has always believed in me remaining by my side even in the most difficult moments. For my part, I have always tried to fill my actions with truth and sincerity, always looking ahead. I wanted to start from the places of my childhood but it was not possible because everything changed. However, I think the words and images of the documentary convey well that sense of love, the same one for which I have been fighting my battle for over fifty years. “

Before the screening of James, at 17.30 at Cinema Astra there will also be a free screening of “IL NERO” by Giovanni Vento (Ita, 1967 – 107 ‘) for “ResCinema – Restored Cinema Review” curated by Camerafilm and Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, a work restored in 2020 by the National Cinema Museum of Turin and Compass Film. The film will be introduced by Leonardo De Franceschi (Universit Roma Tre), Anna Masecchia (Federico II University of Naples) and Gina Annunziata (Academy of Fine Arts of Naples).

Where: Cinema Astra, via Mezzocannone, 109 Naples.

How much: single admission 4 euros.

December 16, 2021 | 17:05

© Time.News

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