Ecologists in Action nominates the City Council of Monesterio (Badajoz) with ‘Atila’s chainsaw’

by time news

2023-06-16 02:20:12

The organization Ecologists in Extremadura Action has nominated the Monesterio City Council for its awards Attila’s Chainsaw. This nomination, at the citizen’s proposal, “is motivated by the last felling of trees in the crossing of the town, in addition to others of healthy trees and exaggerated pruning carried out at the wrong time in recent years.”


Con Attila’s Chainsawrunner-up of its annual awards Attila AwardsEcologists in Action of Extremadura encourages citizens to denounce the “outrages that certain city councils and public organizations provoke on the wooded urban heritage by promoting a ‘New Culture of Urban Woodland'”.

Draw the attention of society and public bodies to the “mistreatment and abuse that is being inflicted on urban trees in Extremadura”

With this, the citizen participation campaign is restarted to draw the attention of society and public organizations to the “mistreatment and abuse that is being inflicted on urban trees in Extremadura”. In this case, the organization has advanced its campaign given the latest cases of “arboricidios“, which from different points of the Extremadura region are being denounced.

The last citizen complaint that has reached them is from the Badajoz town of Monesteriowhere they have been cut 8 cypresses of good size and health with more than 50 years of age located in the Monesterio crossing. “Trees that have fulfilled their function, not only decorating the journey, but also filtering pollution from vehicles, relieving the heat with their shade and transpiration, being a nesting place and refuge for birds such as goldfinches and greenfinches, with an incalculable value contribution. in pursuit of climate change mitigation.

“Trees that have fulfilled their function, not only decorating the journey, but also filtering pollution from vehicles, relieving the heat with their shade and transpiration, being a nesting place and refuge for birds such as goldfinches and greenfinches, with an incalculable value contribution. in pursuit of climate change mitigation”

Abusive and untimely pruning

The environmental group describes as “intolerable” that healthy trees, which have resisted for about 50 years harsh conditions of adaptation and meager tree pits to survive, “have ended up being eliminated instead of adopting palliative measures such as adapting the size of the tree pits and other improvements”, as reported by the organization in a press release on Thursday.

“To all this we must add the abusive and untimely pruning that the council has been carrying out in recent years, producing the death of numerous healthy trees in different streets“, he stressed.

Ecologist “hopes and trusts” that this nomination calls for reflection by those responsible for such an action of mistreatment of urban trees in the municipality of Monesterio, which “must manage the conservation and care of trees with the greatest respect and efficiency and, therefore, extension, to the entire urban ecosystem that benefits from its existence”

For all these reasons, Ecologistas en Acción de Extremadura, at the request of the public, incorporates the Monesterio City Council as the first nominee in the 2023-2024 campaign in his runner-up ‘Atila’s Chainsaw’ from Extremadurawhich this association awards every year on the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day in the month of June, the date on which the winners of the next edition will be published.

So that “these arboricides do not continue in the future”

The environmental group “hopes and trusts” that this nomination calls for reflection by those responsible for such an action of mistreatment of urban trees in the municipality of Monesterio who, it must be remembered, “must manage conservation and care with the greatest respect and efficiency of trees and, by extension, the entire urban ecosystem that benefits from their existence”.

Consequently, Ecologists in Action of Extremadura calls on the new municipal corporation so that “these arboricides do not continue in the future.”

#Ecologists #Action #nominates #City #Council #Monesterio #Badajoz #Atilas #chainsaw

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