Virus is faster than politics – fear of the omicron wall – domestic politics

by time news

It is probably the deceptive calm before the next corona storm. The health authorities recorded 22,214 new infections on Christmas Eve.

The incidence (measures new infections within seven days) drops significantly from 265.8 to 242.9, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). A month ago it was 419.7.

The fourth corona wave is withdrawing. But Germany may still have the worst to come: the Omikron wave, which, according to virologists, should hit Germany by the beginning of January at the latest.

Virus ist schneller als die Politik: Angst vor der Omikron-WandPhoto: dpa-infografik GmbH / dpa

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Photo: dpa-infografik GmbH / dpa

This highly contagious mutation has caused infection rates in the UK and the US that skyrocket almost vertically like a wall. The only thing that helps against Omikron: vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. But on Christmas Eve of all things, the pace collapsed, according to the RKI, just 67 119 syringes were administered.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) had set an ambitious target: 30 million vaccinations by the end of the year at the latest (counting from November 18). According to BILD am Sonntag information from government circles, this mark can most likely be reached tomorrow, Monday, because yesterday only about 50,000 vaccinations were missing.

The Chancellor’s other vaccination target is shaky: By January 7, 80 percent of people should have received at least the first corona injection. However, only just under 74 percent of the population are currently immunized.

So there are still around 5.3 million vaccinations missing. Now the government wants to achieve the 80 percent if possible by the end of January, according to a government spokesman for BILD am Sonntag.

There is a dispute over the mandatory vaccination in the health sector. Employees in clinics, nursing homes or medical practices must be double vaccinated by mid-March.

According to the Ministry of Health, a booster vaccination, which significantly increases protection against the Omikron variant, is only required after nine months for nurses, doctors, consultation hours etc.

But the virus is faster than the government with its laws.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends a booster injection after three months. Reason: The protection against Omikron drops very quickly after the double vaccination.

Patient protection advocate Eugen Brysch (59) complains in BILD am Sonntag: “The compulsory vaccination for medical and nursing professions is a snap shot. There is a security gap because the boost was not taken into account. “

The Union also sees an urgent need for action. Health expert Tino Sorge (46, CDU) demands in BILD am Sonntag: “The traffic light groups will have to rework the law on mandatory vaccination for medical professions. It is about the protection of the elderly and those with previous illnesses. We cannot allow ourselves any uncertainty. “

For the health professions, advice should be given on shortening the vaccination interval as soon as possible. “It would be conceivable to orientate yourself on the recommended three months of the Stiko,” says Sorge.

Virus is faster than politics: fear of the omicron wall
Photo: BILD

Virus mutations, booster vaccinations – the hurdles to compulsory vaccination for everyone are high. Nevertheless, the traffic light wants to make an attempt in parliament in the new year.

According to SPD deputy parliamentary group leader Dirk Wiese (38), there will be “a first debate on compulsory vaccination” in the Bundestag at the beginning of January. For a legally secure regulation, some “not easy questions” arose, said Wiese to BILD am Sonntag. “In particular, the question of when someone legally loses his vaccination status and therefore a refresher is necessary.”

The questions about controls and fines have also not yet been clarified. The Ethics Council recently spoke out in favor of compulsory vaccination. However, citizens should be able to choose the vaccine freely, the state should set up a vaccination register and organize personalized appointments for everyone.


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