Protecting Against Pollen: Tips from General Practitioner Lieneke van de Griendt

by time news

2023-06-18 10:56:59

by Rembrandt van der Heijden

With these warm days, a lot of pollen floats through the air and for some people that can have quite unpleasant consequences. The Schiedam general practitioner Lieneke van de Griendt, who receives patients with complaints every day, explains why this is and how we protect against pollen.


Pollen are powdery substances found in plants that play an important role in the pollination of plants and flowers, allowing new plants to grow. “Grass pollen and tree pollen in particular cause allergic reactions in people. Grass pollen is mainly spread in the period from June to September, while people suffer more from tree pollen during the rest of the year,” says the GP. In her practice, Van sees de Griendt many Schiedammers who often have irritated airways, eyes and nose due to the pollen.

Fewer complaints through a healthy lifestyle
Although the GP has no clear explanation for the fact that some people suffer more from pollen allergies than others, she does see that people who have a healthy lifestyle and who ensure healthy intestines generally experience fewer complaints. “It may be that people are more susceptible if they suffer from eczema or respiratory diseases, which also makes them more susceptible to allergies,” emphasizes Van de Griendt.

From one allergy to another
She also points out that allergies are often associated with cross-reactions. “People who are allergic to pollen can also react allergic to other things, like food. For example, someone who is allergic to pollen can also have an allergic reaction to apples because they contain a similar protein. This can lead to new allergic reactions.”

What can you do yourself?
“If people really suffer from pollen, they can always take an anti-histamine pill, which is available at the pharmacy,” advises Van de Griendt. In an allergic reaction, such as hay fever, too much histamine is released, which can cause itching and swelling. If such medication does not help, Van de Griendt advises people to contact their GP so that they can arrange a referral to an allergist or dermatologist. “People can then be given an anti-allergy treatment, where small amounts of pollen are administered to get the body used to it.”

Pollen radar as best friend
Finally, Van de Griendt refers to the pollen radar, which can be found on the website of Rain radar. “This allows people to see per hour how the pollen is spreading in Schiedam. This can help when planning outdoor activities.”

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