Computing cartel: 7 months imprisonment for a customer manager who coordinated quotes

by time news

The Jerusalem District Court today (Sunday), as part of the computer cartel case, sentenced Gilad Tzur, a former customer manager at Harel Information Technologies, to 7 months in prison. In addition, he was fined NIS 45,000.

Tzur admitted as part of a plea agreement in coordination of pricing procedures for the purchase of products in the field of IAI’s computerization. The offenses were committed for about 3 years between the years 2009-2012 and involved pricing proceedings with a cumulative financial volume of about $ 3 million. Zur was also convicted of receiving anything fraudulently.

The court accepted the plea agreement reached by the Competition Authority and ruled that it was balanced.

In the case, which was investigated by the Competition Authority, an indictment was filed against many defendants and a number of companies, including Harel Information Technologies Ltd., Wei! Ltd., Triple C Ltd., EMT Computing Ltd. and Matrix A. T. Integration and Infrastructure Ltd. A few months ago, a sales manager at Wei was sentenced to 5.5 months in prison. The cases of other defendants are still being clarified in court.

Attorneys Golan Kenti and Ziv Abramovitz of the Nashitz Brands Amir law firm, who represented Gilad Tzur in the proceedings, stated that “this is a case whose open investigation began about ten years ago (May 2012). “He agreed to the plea agreement that was proposed to him. The evidence hearings that are currently taking place in the district court clearly show that the case also involved other factors that were not investigated and / or charged and that the acts attributed to the IAI were not harmed.”

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