What services does a business lawyer offer and why are they important?

by time news

2023-06-18 23:43:27

If you have a company or the intention of creating one, surely many doubts have arisen about legal issues. And it is that a wrong decision in this aspect can be very expensive in the short, medium or long term. Therefore, it is important to try to comply with all legal requirements to avoid any kind of setback that puts your business at risk. That is the raison d’être of the company lawyersspecialists in advising, defending and representing businesses to address their different needs in everything that has to do with the law.

In this article, we are going to explain in detail what are the main tasks of a business lawyer. In addition, you will know what types of lawyers exist within this area and the most popular services. We will also give you a valuable contact in business law that can help you resolve your doubts and accompany you in any process of this nature related to your company.


What does a company lawyer do?

Business lawyers will help your business comply with all current regulations

Before you start searching company lawyers in your city, it is vital that you understand the scope of their services. As in multiple disciplines and professionals, there are professionals in the area who are oriented towards certain types of services and cases, but they all start from the same base.

Objective of a business lawyer

The goal of the company lawyers is to provide legal advice to executives or legal representatives of companies to face all phases and situations that may involve a business. The purpose is for the company to comply with the laws, in addition to looking out for its interests and avoiding all kinds of legal problems. Specifically, these types of lawyers can do the following:

Preparation and review of legal papers of the company (statutes, minutes, agreements, powers, etc.) Carrying out procedures and records before the competent authorities (Public Registry of Commerce, Tax Administration Service, Mexican Social Security Institute, etc.) Advice on issues of a tax, labor, commercial, civil, criminal, environmental, intellectual property, data protection, etc. nature. Representation in lawsuits or different administrative processes (negotiations or mediations with other companies) Prevention and resolution of legal conflicts that may affect your company or your partners.

Types of lawyers in companies

There are different types of business lawyers.

Most business owners look for a company lawyer to find a legal solution to a specific issue. Some entrepreneurs may need Lawyers work regulations, while others may require legal advice to deal with a dispute with another company or the tax authorities. For this reason, we present to you which are the main branches of the company lawyersso that you have a general notion of the service you need.

Lawyers to make internal regulations: This type of lawyer’s main activity is the development and updating of the internal work regulations of a company. These documents include the rules and conditions that both workers and companies must comply with in order to maintain a labor relationship that falls within the framework of the law.

Lawyers to register trademarks: Los Lawyers specializing in trademark registration They are experts in the process of registration and protection of the different trademarks of your company. Said service is key to the identification of products and services before the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property.


Lawyers to make confidentiality contracts: Its main task consists in the elaboration of the confidentiality contractswhich are signed by managers, employees, partners and third parties who have access to important or sensitive company information.

lawyer services

This class of lawyers cover situations and processes that concern companies in their relationship with workers, suppliers, authorities and other publics

It is important that you choose a business lawyer service that stands out for its experience, reputation and professionalism, such is the case of the Rosser & Cía. law firm, a legal firm with more than 20 years of experience in business law. Its wide range of services allows it to meet most of the legal needs of different types of companies.

Lawyer specializing in business law

Below, we present the contact details of this team of lawyers specialized in business law.


Phone: 686-171-7760

Lawyers in labor regulations

A company lawyer can help you draft your internal work regulations

Among the wide offer of legal servicesthis office has lawyers who can help you prepare the internal regulations of your company.

internal regulations

And internal regulations It is a document with legal validity of a mandatory nature. In other words, all companies that have a certain number of employees must have them according to the Federal Labor Law. The purpose of the regulation is to regulate the organization and discipline within the company, as well as to quickly and transparently resolve different labor problems.

It must be clarified that the internal work regulations require the participation of different groups, including workers and their representatives. Likewise, it must have the approval of the Conciliation and Arbitration Board.

What is the internal work regulation

The internal work regulations are key to having a healthy and trustworthy labor relationship with your employees

He internal regulations It is a document that establishes the rules and conditions that workers and the company must meet to sustain the employment relationship. Its dissemination among employees is important, so its display is ordered in a visible place for quick and effective consultation.

Importance of work regulations

And internal regulations It is an important document because it highlights the two-way legal obligations, in addition to the rules that regulate tax issues in the workplace. In the same way, it allows to have an organizational culture that is sustained in order, discipline and respect. Therefore, the construction of the work environment and productivity influences. At the same time, it provides legal security to both parties in the face of possible claims or demands of a different nature.

Lawyers specialized in trademark registrations

Trademark registration is much easier if you have the right legal advice

As we mentioned previously, a business lawyer handles activities such as registration and protection of your company’s trademarks.

impi trademark registration

The first thing you should know is that the trademark registration takes place before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI). The latter is the official body that is in charge of granting industrial property rights in Mexico, as well as defending them against any possible irregularity or dispute.

And business lawyer to make the request and present the required documents, among which are the brand design, the description of products and services that it covers, proof of payment of the fee, etc. In case of any problem in the registry, rest assured that the company lawyers will help you solve it in the best way to ensure the industrial property of your different brands.

What is the trademark registration for?

The correct registration of trademarks can save you from many problems in the future

He Trade mark It is a fundamental step to protect the different uses you make of your brands within the national territory. Likewise, it is an essential protection to avoid violations or misuse by third parties.

Importance of trademark registration

He trademark registration It is one of the most demanded services among company lawyers, because it protects the brands of the companies against possible copies, imitations or illegal uses. It is necessary to have legal security and certainty about your intellectual property, in addition to facilitating the expansion and internationalization of your company. Another advantage of carrying out the trademark registration is that it facilitates the delivery of licenses and the opening to the franchise scheme.

Lawyer specializing in confidentiality contracts

A confidentiality agreement protects your company’s sensitive information

Los Lawyers in confidentiality contract They are valuable allies to protect your company’s sensitive information.

confidentiality contract

Your company must have a confidentiality contract to shield the information that must circulate due to operational or other issues in a commercial, labor or professional relationship. The need to have one of them is to avoid any unauthorized disclosure, a fact that could affect the competitiveness, innovation and even the security of your company.

What is a confidentiality contract

The confidentiality agreement is essential to shield your company from leaks or disclosures that affect the business

And confidentiality contract It is a written agreement in which the contracting parties legally undertake to maintain the secret nature of any type of vital information for the business. Not having this document is considered a violation of the principles and applicable laws to the protection of personal data.

What is a confidentiality agreement for?

The value of a confidentiality contract It is found in its ability to shield the important and secret information of companies. Specifically, it will serve you for the following:

Protection of personal data or that of your customers, suppliers and employees. Protection of trade secrets, among which are formulas, strategies, projects, etc. Protection of intellectual property, such as future patents, trademarks, designs, etc. Greater security against possible threats or attacks Reduction of risk of economic losses Protection against possible attacks that damage the reputation of your company

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