Agrotech and nanotechnology: plasma treatment for seeds to improve the yield The doctor

by time news

2023-06-17 07:14:46

Traditional industries are adopting advanced technologies at an increasing rate. So is the agriculture branch that implements technological developments in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, and chemistry. One of the most innovative solutions in the field, offered in a unique application of patented technology, the result of long-term development by Dr. Shivi Drori and Professor Edward Burmashenko, from Ariel University, is plasma treatment of seeds to improve plant yields, increase green mass, reduce mold, bacteria and viruses, improve the coating of The seed, disinfection, priming, increasing the rate and uniformity of germination and more.

Plasma treatment for seeds to improve agricultural produce. Photo: Pixabay

Today, solutions are offered that provide different solutions to farmers to improve yields in plants. Use of high-quality refined seeds, addition of nutrients, genetic improvement, biostimulants and biological fertilizers, use of precision agriculture tools, big data and artificial intelligence including irrigation management, soil health management and pest control, crop change, improved mechanization, smart climate agriculture, greenhouse crop technologies and environmental monitoring and more. however Some technologies have drawbacks Such as the consequences of genetic modification, expensive price, the awkwardness of the germination process, the contamination of the seeds and sprouts, the burden on the soil by the deposition of chemical substances from the seed, the effect on the groundwater and the soil, damage to the ecosystem and more.

Agro-tech and advanced technologies

Unique technological tools currently offer additional and alternative solutions to the existing ones. Thus, innovative solutions such as plasma for seed treatment Prevents the growers from these and other damages and disadvantages. And in addition, this treatment is offered to increase yields beyond what is already currently achieved by these means. That is, growers who wish to continue using polluting, complex technologies, to purchase particularly expensive seeds or those that have undergone priming, will still be able to use plasma treatment for seeds to increase their crop yields by improving green mass, reducing pests, mold, increasing the rate and rate of germination without genetic changes, without addition Chemical materials and reasonable cost.

Different technologies are used to improve the results of germination, growth, irrigation, processing, of seeds, seedlings and plants in modern agriculture. Genetic modification allows the addition of desirable traits such as disease and drought resistance. Other techniques optimize germination by immersing the seeds in moisture absorbent materials. Seed coating provides a protective layer that contains beneficial substances for the plant and preserves it for a long storage time. Biostimulants stimulate the growth and development of plants. Controlled release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients. Microbial inoculants help further improve crops. Hydroponics and aeroponics allow cultivation without soil with precise nutrient control. Remote sensing and data analysis provide valuable insights for monitoring crop health and optimizing tillage, growing and harvesting practices. These technologies contribute together to improving seed quality, germination rates, growth performance and crop yield. However, as mentioned, such and other technologies have various disadvantages.

Seed plasma treatment refers to the application of plasma technology to improve seed quality and to improve the rate and rate of plant growth and yields. Plasma, often called the fourth state of matter, is an ionized gas composed of positively and negatively charged particles. The plasma treatment of seeds includes exposing them to low-temperature plasma created by various techniques, such as plasma jets at atmospheric pressure or discharges from a dielectric barrier.

Plasma treatment for seeds to improve yield

The plasma treatment process, with this unique patented technology, offers several potential advantages for seeds and plants:

The green mass lady: Plasma treatment of seeds helps to increase the growth of seedlings, increase the contents of the materials in the leaves and the stem, and increase the amount of green mass of the plant. Plasma treatment stimulates the growth and development of seedlings. This in turn helps activate various processes involved in plant growth, improves nutrient absorption and improves root development, resulting in stronger and better quality seedlings.
Improving the absorption of nutrients from the soil: Plasma treatment helps to increase the availability and absorption of essential nutrients by seeds and plants from the substrate on which they grow. The treatment uniquely increases the permeability of the seed to nutrients and water and may trigger the release of growth-promoting substances, such as phytohormones that are beneficial for this.
Improving the rate, rate and uniformity of seed germination: The plasma treatment has been proven to improve the rate of germinating seeds, the uniformity of germination and also accelerates the germination process. This treatment helps improve the metabolic activity of seeds, promotes water absorption and breaks seed dormancy, which leads to improved germination performance.
Resistance to abiotic stresses: The plasma treatment increases the tolerance of plants to various abiotic stresses, including drought, salinity and temperature. The treatment affects various factors and sometimes stimulates stress-related genes and stimulates the synthesis of proteins that react to stress, increases the absorption of liquids and improves the plant’s resistance to negative environmental conditions. And especially resistance to an irregular irrigation regime, drought and a lack of precipitation: this unique plasma treatment helps the seed to absorb liquids and increase its resistance in an environment with little precipitation.
Disinfection against pathogens: Plasma treatment helps to effectively kill various pathogens present on the surface of the semen, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes. This plasma disinfection helps prevent seed-borne diseases and promotes the development of healthier seedlings.

Various technological developments offer improvements in the field of agriculture to increase and improve agricultural produce. In particular, plasma seed treatment offers the unique advantages of a non-chemical, environmentally friendly, non-genetic treatment to significantly increase the green mass, increase crop yields, reduce fungi, mold, viruses and bacteria, improve the coating of the seed, priming, improve the rate, rate and uniformity of germination and more .

By: Dr. Lavia Sigman. Lavia serves as a manager in a unique venture that offers a patented plasma treatment for seeds to improve agricultural produce. Dr. Levi Sigman He is a manager and consultant in companies in the fields of Deep-Tech; Agro-Tech, Bio-Med, and Nano-Technology.


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#Agrotech #nanotechnology #plasma #treatment #seeds #improve #yield #doctor

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