Pope Francis Encourages Committee Members of American National Congress of Divine Mercy for Their Sacrifices in Promoting Faith in the Holy Eucharist

by time news

2023-06-19 15:09:36

Pope Francis met with committee members of the upcoming American National Congress of Divine Mercy. Thanking them for the task they undertook, the Pope encouraged and thanked them for the sacrifices they make to work for the promotion of faith in the Holy Eucharist, the source of Christian life.

C. Roubini Chinnapa9 CTC, Vatican News

Referring to the scene of the multiplication of bread in the Gospel of John, the people came hoping to see signs again after that miracle, but Jesus wanted to transform their thirst for earthly bread into a hunger for the bread of eternal life (John 6,26-27). This is why he speaks of himself as the bread of life that came down from heaven and gives life to the world (John 6:51). The Holy Eucharist is God’s answer to the deepest hunger of the human heart, the hunger for an honest life, because in the Holy Eucharist Christ is truly present in our midst to nurture, comfort and support us on our journey.

It is sad that there are Catholics today who consider the Holy Eucharist to be a mere symbol rather than the real presence and love of Christ. Therefore, the Holy Father said that he hopes that the Divine Mercy Congress will lead all Catholics in the country to rediscover the wonder and wonder of this great gift that the Lord gives himself, to spend time with the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, to spend time in personal prayer and adoration before the Holy Eucharist. In this regard, Pope Francis added that he could not help but mention the need to develop the vocation of priests because, as Pope John Paul II said, there would be no Holy Eucharist without priests.

In the same way, we believe that the Divine Mercy Congress is also an opportunity for believers to commit themselves to become the disciples of the Lord Jesus in the world with more zeal. In the Holy Eucharist we meet the One who loved us to the end and sacrificed himself to give us life and gave everything for us. Without recognizing that love we celebrate in the sacrament, sharing it with everyone and realizing that we cannot keep it only for ourselves, we will never be credible witnesses of the joy and transformation of the Gospel, the Pope said today. The Holy Father said that the Holy Eucharist compels us to a committed and strong brotherly love. “We cannot understand or live the true meaning of the Holy Eucharist if we close our hearts to our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and suffering, the lost,” the Pope said.

The National Divine Mercy Congress is an important moment in the church life of America. The Pope expressed the hope that everything they do will become an opportunity of grace that leads them and everyone in the kingdom to the Lord, who with his presence inspires hope and renews life. The Holy Father concluded his message by appealing to the intercession of Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart of America, offering his prayers and giving them his apostolic blessing. As usual, the Pope asked them to pray for him.

#Pope #Inspire #love #Holy #Eucharist

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