Port-Gentil: President of the Rassemblement Républicain “2R” receives the blessings of the notables of the 4th arrondissement

by time news

2023-06-19 09:23:42

Port-Gentil: President of the Rassemblement Républicain “2R” receives the blessings of the notables of the 4th arrondissement

June 19, 2023

The President of the Rassemblement Républicain “2R”, Leguetsa Lelaga received the torch from the notables of the 4th arrondissement of the commune of Port-Gentil. Quite a symbol that reinforces the leader of this political formation in his leadership. Gatherer, enlightened guide, the leader of the 2R and his people knew how to mobilize the world and gain the confidence of the notables (guardians of Gabonese culture) for this life-size event where he receives the blessings of the wise. The ceremony took place on Saturday June 17, 2023 in the economic city of Gabon.

It is the popular jubilation rich in emotion in the 4th arrondissement of the commune of Port-Gentil, precisely at the Izouwa crossroads (city 50 housing units) at the Headquarters (HQ) of the 2R that the said ceremony took place. Many came, activists, sympathizers and many others did not want to be counted the event. Mobilized as one man, the notables blessed and paved the way for the leader of the Rassemblement Républicain, Leguetsa Lelaga and those accompanying him on this political march.

Through this ritual drawn from the values ​​of the traditional terroir, the leadership of Leguetsa Lelaga has just been confirmed by those who saw it born and take its first steps at the Roger Buttin school. “We come here to bless you. Your will, your sense of wanting to help your neighbor has largely convinced us. Your actions have spoken for you. You are now our messenger. Do politics in the right way, build, guide those who accompany you well. rest assured, we are behind you and will always be there until victory“suggests the spokesperson for the notables.

Moved and proud of the preservation of cultural values, Leguetsa Lelaga did not hide it. He calls on each of the Gabonese to play their part. ” Our country will begin a decisive turning point in its history. A new page will be written in the next few days. The beauty of these writings will depend on the writers the people choose to write the next history of our country.“.

The leader of the 2R believes that these general elections, each according to its category (presidential, legislative, local), will play a major role in setting the tone for development in our country. “We are going to play a major role in choosing the future President of the Republic. This decision, in the next few days, we must take it together. As far as the legislative and local elections are concerned, our young party, which is very active on the ground, will invest candidates without fail. The choices of women, men, young people who will have to compete have already been made” he pointed out.

The President of the Rassemblement Républicain did not fail to welcome the massive presence of notables. He asserts that they are the guardians of the temple.”You are the guides and the first advisers of us politicians. No real politics can be done without you. Thank you, thank you for your many blessings. I can assure you that we are for a fair, equitable policy, one that gives value from the smallest to the largest. We practice the policy that comes under the weakest. We are for contributing to the construction of Gabon. We move away from insults, counterproductive behaviors“he informed the people who came in large numbers to listen to him.

The 2R guide called on members, activists, sympathizers and new members to remain mobilized, brave in the fight and resolute in duty. It them to be like “this faith that knows how to fight even when shedding tears, like this faith that knows how to fight even in suffering“. For President Leguetsa Lelaga, God always gives a part worthy of him to those who fight for truth and justice. He closed his remarks while thanking the notables, the populations who came massively, for the support of the members and many others, for confidence.


#PortGentil #President #Rassemblement #Républicain #receives #blessings #notables #4th #arrondissement

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