Gas price: Court gossip for provider Eprimo | life & knowledge

by time news

2023-06-20 16:28:17

What was the energy supplier Eprimo (1.7 million customers) thinking?

In February, the E.ON subsidiary suddenly increased the advance payments from its gas customers massively and without any real explanation (BILD reported). Now the court gossip: Corresponding increases are illegal, the district court in Frankfurt a. M. after a lawsuit by the Federation of Consumer Organizations.

Kerstin Hoppe, legal officer at the Federal Association: “Instead of lowering the discounts when the gas price brake came into force, Eprimo arbitrarily increased them to horrendous amounts, shocking many customers. It is important that the courts quickly put a stop to such practices.”

Katja Steger is CEO for the providers “E WIE EINFACH” and Eprimo

Photo: Frank Schoepgens/eprimo

Eprimo had informed gas customers in February about the relief from the gas price brake and an “adjustment” to their monthly advance payments. However, there was no talk of relief. On the contrary: the deductions were increased many times over in some cases. Many Eprimo victims also reported to BILD. “BILD fights for you” was able to help in many cases.

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An Eprimo spokesman admitted at the time: “In fact, in the last letter of rejection, we apparently did not communicate a part to the customers in a comprehensible manner.”

The court granted the consumer advice center’s application for an injunction against the energy supplier in all respects. The increase in payments on account violates the Energy Industry Act, which requires calculation of the payments based on consumption. The court further: Eprimo also provided insufficient information about the relief from the gas price brake. It is particularly incomprehensible to customers how the future discount will be calculated.

The judgment (Az. 3-06 O 13/23) is not yet final, Eprimo does not rule out an appeal.

A provider spokesman commented on the verdict as follows: “The letter of increase in question has not been used since February. Therefore, we cannot understand the general statement made today by the consumer advice center on the alleged illegality of the increased deductions. The court’s decision relates to the four specific customer cases. Consumers have not paid any excessive discounts to Eprimo.”

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