The teachers of the diocese said goodbye to the school year with a Holy Mass – Gallery

by time news

2023-06-20 17:30:23

The head pastor greeted the teachers as his colleagues, emphasizing that they act as Christ’s collaborators during their work as teachers and educators. In his sermon, he encouraged the participants to make good use of their God-given freedom, because if they live it correctly, they can be truly human, i.e. like God.

Those present thanked for the joys and challenges of the past school year.

At the end of the mass, Imre Lipcsei, the director general of the St. Gellért Catholic High Authority, addressed the teachers. He said that in 42 settlements, there are a total of approximately eight thousand children in 88 public education institutions maintained by the diocese. He mentioned the drastic rise in winter energy prices as the main challenge of the just-ended school year.

– Due to austerity measures, the education and training space has been squeezed. Unnecessary classrooms and group rooms were closed and classes were regrouped, as a result of which the energy consumption in SZEGEKIF institutions decreased by more than the required twenty percent, almost by a third, said Imre Lipcsei, and then thanked the teachers for their self-sacrificing work during the school year.

The headmaster also provided good advice for the next school year.

– In September, we will face another challenge, the status law will appear in our lives. It doesn’t really make much of a difference. If they read and study it carefully, they will realize that it does not represent a major turning point in our lives. Please let the sirens go by your ears! Read it, interpret it, discuss it with your colleagues, and make an independent decision in September! Don’t think about other people’s opinions, but about your own future! I am confident that in a year, at the end of the 2023/24 academic year, we will still have that many here, seven hundred to be exact, he said.

At the end of the ceremony, László Kiss-Rigó presented awards to the retiring teachers. The gold degree of the Szent Gellert Award was received by János Kesjár, the outgoing director of the Nagyboldogasszony Catholic Kindergarten and Primary School in Csanádapáca, and Mihályn Pipicz, the outgoing director of the Szent László Catholic Primary School in Mórahalm.

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