The accelerometer against inertia in the office

by time news

2023-06-21 06:30:17

Office notebook. Is the accelerometer necessary for the health of employees? This small sensor sensitive to movement and inertia is placed in vehicles to trigger airbags, in telephones to stabilize screens or in video games to detect player movements. In the office, it is the reference instrument for protecting employees from sitting too long. It indeed measures the sedentary lifestyle of workers, but does not yet warn of its dangers.

However, 95% of the French population would be exposed to a health risk because they sit too long, according to the National Health Security Agency. A sedentary lifestyle doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of diabetes, cancer and mental disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.). “Sitting still kills more than smoking in the world”, even provided the Happytech Summit, which brought together some forty companies in mid-May to discuss best practices in innovation for the benefit of quality of life at work. It is “between 4 and 5 million deaths [qui] could be avoided every year if the world population were more physically active,” considers the World Health Organizationcompared to 7 million deaths due to smoking over the same period.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Sedentary lifestyle, an increased professional risk through telework

But the public health stakes are considerable and moved in the companies, because “work has become the main vehicle for sedentary postures, far ahead of leisure activities (watching television from the sofa, for example) or travel (sitting in the bus, train, etc.)”, indicates the National Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Accidents and Occupational Diseases (“Sedentary postures at work”, by Laurent Kerangueven and Kévin Desbrosses, INRS, October 2022). A 35-hour employee thus spends on average at least 5 hours 15 per day sitting. While to do well, you should not be in your seat for more than 3 hours, according to theNational observatory of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle.

Some tips

The authors of the INRS study recommend that companies integrate a risk assessment approach by profession into the ad hoc form, in order to measure the daily duration of sedentary postures and the frequency of shift periods of more than thirty minutes. .

The Interprofessional Association of Medical and Social Centers for Occupational Health in the Ile-de-France region (ACMS) provides, for its part, some tips for limiting sedentary behavior at work. ACMS invites employees to “telephone standing or walking”, “move to discuss with colleagues”, “alternate sitting and standing tasks” and employers of “offer workstations and places to alternate positions” and of “promoting the culture of sport in the workplace”, for example by putting “pedals or balls available in the offices”.

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