Guaranteeing a safe environment: The importance of industrial hygiene in workplace well-being

by time news

2023-06-21 05:40:40

Rocio Aguilar is technically responsible for Industrial Hygiene laboratory that APA has in Las Rozas (Madrid).

He is part of a multidisciplinary team of 25 professionals with degrees ranging from laboratory-oriented professional training to graduates and doctors in Chemical Sciences.

Industrial hygiene is essential to achieve a safe workspace free of toxic agents that may compromise occupational health. In this article we explain what this concept consists of and how it is evaluated by Rocío Aguilar, technical manager of the APA laboratory in Madrid.

Industrial hygiene as we know it today arose from a paradigm shift in the workplace that took place at the end of the 19th century, when employers began to prioritize the protection of the health of their workers with the aim of increasing their performance.

More than two centuries later, there is no doubt about the importance that companies attach to the creation of a work space that guarantees the health and well-being of their employees. The future of industrial hygiene, as Rocío Aguilar points out, must go hand in hand with the preventive discipline of medicine at work and will require a strong ability to adapt to face a changing and challenging legislative environment.

But what exactly does it mean and what is its goal?

Industrial hygiene is the discipline of Occupational Risk Prevention dedicated to the recognition, evaluation and control of environmental factors in the workplace that can lead to a deterioration of health among workers. Its main objective is the prevention of an occupational disease through the control and surveillance of the conditions of the workplace.

According to Aguilar, the commitment of companies to the health of their collaborators is increasing, and this is confirmed by the APA data. The increase in the demand for analysis of toxic agents in the work environment exceeds 45% in the last 3 years, with the analysis of silica, fibers, metals, formaldehyde and organic vapors being the most requested services in its laboratory in Madrid, which has recently incorporated the analysis of diesel fumes for which a high demand is also expected.

What is the hygiene assessment?

The hygienic evaluation allows evaluating the risks to different polluting agents to which people who live in a work space are exposed. Aguilar points out, however, that this process entails certain difficulties and therefore must be supervised by professionals.

The APA laboratory offers specialized advice on the analysis of work atmospheres throughout the evaluation process, from sample collection to the final report of results. With proven experience, the center covers the most common hygienic measurements to other less demanded ones- and even offers the possibility of using new methodologies adapted to the specific needs of the client.

What role does technology play?

Technological progress plays a key role in reducing the margin of error in tests, as well as analysis times. For this reason, the APA laboratory is committed to the latest technology with the aim of increasing the agility of its processes and, therefore, the level of customer satisfaction.

If you want more information about the specialized advice of APA, visit or contact us at [email protected]

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