Pro-rector of Institutional and International Relations participates in the Brazil Seminar

by time news

2023-06-20 22:02:01

Artemisa Monteiro during lunch with the president of Brazil, Lula. Photo: Secom/Federal Government.

Within the framework of the celebrations of Africa Day – May 25 -, the dean of Institutional and International Relations of the University of International Integration of Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Prointer/Unilab), Artemisa Monteiro, was invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MRE) to participate in the seminar “Brazil-Africa: relaunching partnerships”. On the occasion, Monteiro presented a work entitled “Educational cooperation Brazil – Africa: a successful experience”.

The seminar took place from May 23 to 25, being an initiative of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (Funag), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Government.

Photo: Secom/Federal Government.

Artemisa Monteiro presented the work under the theme “Empowerment: educational cooperation, gender equity and social entrepreneurship”, in the panel “Educational and academic cooperation Brazil-Africa: a successful experience”, together with the director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Business Foreigners from Cape Verde, Ambassador Hercules Cruz (videoconference), and under the mediation of Ambassador Glivânia Maria de Oliveira.

The next panel, “The next 50 years of educational and academic cooperation”, featured the first rector of Unilab, Paulo Speller, and now rector of the Universidad Afro-Americana de África Central, in Equatorial Guinea.

Participants of the Brazil – Africa Seminar. Photo: Secom/Federal Government.

“I was invited as a cooperation student and pro-rector of Prointer. I testified to the success of the PEC-G (Graduate Cooperation Students Program), of which I was a scholarship holder, and also to the points that can be improved in that program. I also took my experiences at Prointer on internationalization, signaling the protocols created on internationalization at Unilab and the improvement of international relations via Prointer”, informs Artemisa Monteiro.

The pro-rector underlined that Unilab is another success story of the Brazil-Africa partnership, having, in almost 13 years of existence, trained more than two thousand staff for the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (Palops).

The seminar ended with a lunch hosted by the President of the Republic, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. “The feeling of this invitation is indescribable. Despite the relationships I already had with MRE/DCE as a cooperation student and now dean, I felt privileged and honored in the universe of foreign students who graduated from PEC-G. The invitation to have lunch with the president, being his guest to share the same table, had an impact on me”, says Artemisa.

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