A delegation of residents and nationals of Oké-Owo at Vlavonou

by time news

2023-06-20 23:44:22

Views: 26

The President of the National Assembly, Louis Gbèhounou Vlavonou received in audience this Monday, June 20, 2023 at the palace of governors in Porto-Novo, a delegation from the general association of residents and nationals for the development of Oké-Owo ” AGROD”, led by its president Josué H. N’VODE.

Vlavonou Josué N’Vodé, President of AGROD

According to the Secretary General of AGROD, Dr Gérard AGOGNON, the delegation came on the one hand to express its warm congratulations to the President of the National Assembly for his re-election and on the other hand to thank him for the construction of the Kétou road. – Saved to Oké-Owo thanks to the vote of the financing agreement by the 8th legislature. Apart from certain grievances brought to the attention of the parliamentary authority, AGROG invited her to take part in the zogben festival which will be held from August 11 to 13 in Oké-Owo. Read below the statement of the Secretary General of AGROD at the end of the hearing.

Read below the statement of the Secretary General of AGROD at the end of the hearing.

“We have asked to meet His Excellency the President of the National Assembly to present to him the warmth of our joy and the joy that animates the people of Oké-Owo when they were informed of the reappointment of the President of the National Assembly. National Assembly at Parliament’s perch. The President of the National Assembly is a brother of ours, we consider him as such, that’s why we came to express our joy to him to see him continue to lead the National Assembly. We then shared our thanks with him because under the leadership of the President of the Assembly and the Head of State, we were able to have the vote on the financing agreement for the project under the former legislature asphalting of the Kétou-Savè road up to Oké-Owo.

We therefore thanked the President for what the Beninese parliament did through this vote and we asked him to help us thank his Excellency Mr. President Talon for the asphalting of this road. It is on this road that we passed to arrive here this morning in Porto-Novo and we were able to appreciate with pride the quality of the route, we came to express this to the President to also ask him to help us to complete this project because the track stopped right at Oké-Owo. There is still the bridge over the Okpara River at Oké-Owo, so we have come to ask the president to help us plead for funding for this bridge to allow us to be open to Nigeria because that we are on the very edge of the Okpara River, it is the last village in Benin before Nigeria, we made this plea to the attention of the President.

Family photo of the AGROD delegation with President Vlavonou

We also asked the president to help us see the problems that the tarring has created in the village with the absence of electricity, water and the like. The President welcomed our approach and appreciated the initiative to bring these concerns to him and he promised to do everything in his power. And finally before getting up, we took the opportunity to inform the president that Oké-Owo is hosting from August 11 to 13, the international zogben festival that the association Partage Diaspora Beninoise carries. We took the opportunity to invite the President of the Assembly to come to us to take part in this cultural activity of international scope.”

Interview by Fidèle KENOU

#delegation #residents #nationals #OkéOwo #Vlavonou

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