Make Silken Tofu at Home: A Versatile and Healthy Vegan Ingredient

by time news

2023-06-21 14:09:55

Those who want to replace meat and animal products often do so Tofu. But have you ever heard of Seidentofu heard? It is the better tofu variant with many advantages: it is lower in calories and contains plenty of protein, little fat and valuable nutrients such as calcium, B vitamins and vitamin E. In this article we will show you how easy it is to make silken tofu yourself!

Make silken tofu yourself: It’s that easy

To make silken tofu yourself, all you need is room-warm tofu Soja drinksomething lemon juice or Apple Cider Vinegar and small glasses with screw cap. Here is the step-by-step guide:

Stir the lemon juice or apple cider vinegar into the soy drink. This causes the drink to flocculate as the acid denatures the proteins. Pour the mixture into the small jars and close tightly with the screw caps. Boil the jars in a gently simmering water bath for about 10 to 20 minutes. The silken tofu forms in the jars. Let the mass cool down and pour off the excess water.

The silken tofu can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks – so you always have a healthy and vegan ingredient at hand!

Versatile use: silken tofu as an egg substitute and more

Silken tofu is great as Egg satz in many dishes, such as casseroles, quiches, waffles, pancakes and cheesecake. Since it is less suitable for frying due to its high water content and easily disintegrates when heated, it is particularly ideal for baking recipes and creamy dishes.

Pureed silken tofu can also be used like cream and yoghurt. A vegan Chocolate mousse You can do this, for example, by pureeing the silken tofu with melted chocolate, dates, some maple syrup and a touch of vanilla. The result is a delicious and healthy dessert without any animal products!

origin and use

Silken tofu has its origins in traditional Asian cuisine, where it is often used in soups and desserts. But it is also becoming increasingly popular in Western cuisine, as it is a versatile vegan ingredient and ensures a healthy and balanced diet.

In some countries, silken tofu is also called „Soft Tofu“ designated. It differs from natural and smoked tofu mainly due to its higher water content and softer consistency.

Benefits of Silken Tofu

Silken tofu can increase well-being as it is rich in Isoflavones is. These plant-based active ingredients are similar in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen and can therefore possibly help with painful menstrual cramps, general hormonal imbalance or menopausal symptoms.

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