Coahuila, to online classes due to the third heat wave

by time news

2023-06-22 17:43:22

Faced with the third heat wave that has left temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius in Coahuila, the State Secretary of Education announced yesterday the measures that will be implemented as of this Thursday, June 22, in basic level public schools.

The intention is to ensure the well-being and health of children and adolescents. By means of circular SEB/No. 153/2023, the Undersecretary of Basic Education, Jorge Alberto Salcido Portillo, reported that as of this day and until the end of the 2022-2023 school year, all publicly supported educational centers must start with education at home, either in online and/or with workbooks, placing special emphasis on those students who present significant educational lag, as well as those who have not been evaluated.

With regard to graduation ceremonies, the official announced that these will be subject to the agreements reached between the school group and the parents in order to determine the suspension or carry them out, as long as they are take into account that: if they are scheduled outdoors, they will be avoided during the hours of greatest solar radiation, that is, from 11:00 in the morning to 04:00 in the afternoon. In addition, the acts of the program that are carried out in them must be brief. In the case of private schools, it was detailed that they will agree together with parents and managers if they continue to work in person or remotely.

Salcido Portillo, instructed the general directors of the Undersecretary of Basic Education to make the guidelines immediately known to the educational structure. The end of courses in Coahuila is scheduled for next Monday, July 3.


Rodolfo Silva Esparza, representative of the National Association of Private Schools, said that private schools in La Laguna will continue with face-to-face classes as there are infrastructure conditions to guarantee the integrity of the student community.

“The issue of distance education greatly limits the part of the results and especially at the end of the cycle, the schools, obviously we are in the best disposition to be attending to the whole issue of the heat wave, of hydration, looking for a way to have cool conditions in educational areas,” he said. He admitted that there are some private educational institutions that have modified the departure times, especially since the high temperatures are most affected at 2:00 p.m. He indicated that in this matter, the working hours of the fathers and mothers of the family are always taken into account.


The Department of Social Communication of the Secretary of Education of the State of Durango reported that so far there is no news about whether face-to-face classes are suspended in basic level schools. In La Laguna de Durango, the Undersecretary of Education, Fernando Ulises Adame de León, reported that for the consideration of the school community, as well as timely information for parents, the class entry and exit times may be adjusted.

Schools will have to notify the educational level of modifications to school hours.

#Coahuila #online #classes #due #heat #wave

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