Lung cancer, prevention campaign for Generation Z kicks off

by time news

2023-06-22 18:23:50

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, but it also accelerates deforestation and climate change. The use of the car does not favor motor activities and increases the release of fine dust. Unbalanced food choices increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and contribute to CO2 emissions. Orienting our behavior towards zero impact means not only living in harmony with the planet and its resources, but also improving health and preventing numerous diseases, starting with cancer. These are the premises of Respiro Impatto Zero – New air in the lungs of the next generation, the first lung cancer prevention campaign designed for Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, conveyed through social channels – Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook – a point of reference for the very young, also for information and research.

The initiative, promoted by Msd with the patronage of Walce – Women against lung cancer in Europe, leverages the green sensitivity of digital natives to inform them about the role of cigarette smoke and environmental pollution in the onset of oncological diseases and in particular of lung cancer, which every year records over 2 million estimated cases globally and represents the first cause of death from cancer in the world.

To encourage “Gen Z” to sustainable and healthy behaviors in all aspects of daily life, the campaign – reads a note – has enlisted two exceptional ambassadors: Pino Insegno, voice actor and actor, and Martina Socrate, young content creator , protagonists of An (in)sustainable couple, a series of sketches focused on the generation gaps in terms of prevention and sustainability and on the possibility of overcoming them also thanks to the ability of young people to become ambassadors of a new sensibility. The video sketches will be disseminated on the main social channels and made available on the campaign website ( a real information platform, full of insights on prevention, lifestyles and green choices.

“In Italy in 2022 there were 43,900 new cases of lung cancer – says Silvia Novello, president Walce, full professor of medical oncology at the University of Turin and head of Ssd Pulmonary Oncology Aou San Luigi Gonzaga – At least 80% fall into those defined tumors as ‘avoidable’ as related to smoking addiction. In fact, cigarette smoke remains the main risk factor, although there are certainly other known factors including environmental pollution, occupational exposure to carcinogenic factors, radon. Many risk factors for cancer are part of an incorrect lifestyle in terms of nutrition, physical activity, harmful habits and for this reason it is essential to intervene before these habits become ingrained or in the early stages in which they begin to become part of life children’s daily. Moreover, young people are also great “messengers” and having them on board in dissemination initiatives and programs is essential in order to be able to transmit information with suitable methods and channels”.

The connection between the environment and health with a view to a ‘one health’ approach is also reaffirmed in the 2023-2027 National Oncology Plan, where it is envisaged to perfect environmental policies aimed at making cities healthier, strengthening sustainable mobility and actions to improve air quality, as well as to promote interventions for the prevention and reduction of environmental (indoor and outdoor) and anthropic exposures harmful to health. MSD’s choice to promote the campaign – continues the note – fits into this perspective, in line with the sustainable development objectives indicated by the UN and implemented in the company’s ESG Environmental, Social and Governance strategy.

“The key to this campaign – says Nicoletta Luppi, President and CEO of MSD Italia – is to focus on the idea that any unsustainable behavior damages both one’s health and our planet, in line with our commitment, which does not end with the research and development of innovative therapeutic solutions, but is also aimed at prevention and correct information, starting with our people: Msd Italia, in fact, is a completely “smoke free” company which makes available its employees extensive prevention programmes. Every day we operate responsibly to enable a safe, sustainable and healthy future by generating long-term value for our company and for society. Starting from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals indicated by the UN, 8 are those on which we know we have a greater and measurable impact over time and which are therefore the basis of our ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Strategy. Of these 8, certainly the 3rd, aimed at ‘ensuring health and well-being for everyone and for all ages’, is the one we focus on the most, because it is aligned with our mission to save and improve the lives of people around the world ”.

In the series of sketches, an (un)sustainable couple Pino Insegno and Martina Socrate are involved in a challenge that forces them to live together for a week: from the confrontation between the “boomer” and the “tiktoker” on issues concerning sustainability, from smoking to healthy lifestyle, from global warming to urban mobility, the generational transition towards increasingly green behaviors emerges, which help the planet and favor the prevention of tumors and other important pathologies.

“Talking to young people, educating young people to reach seniors: it seems like an oxymoron, but this is the reality – explains Insegno – Through the social world, which speaks with the language of Generation Z, to inform them on the major issues of prevention and sustainability, to make it clear that there is a future that awaits them and that it can be more beautiful, more just. And then they will teach it to us. I am very happy to have been involved in this initiative, even if I am not part of Generation Z but of Generation A, so I am ready to be amazed by young people, the world belongs to them”.

Martina Socrate also underlines the cross-generational impact of the campaign: “I was very happy to take part in this project together with Pino Insegno, primarily because the damage caused by smoking, but more generally health, are very important issues for me and for all my generation”. The “second reason is that this campaign demonstrates how social networks are a great resource capable of exerting a positive influence not only on the youngest but also on the entire population, thanks to the resonance that have the messages conveyed through these channels”, he concludes.

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