Facilitated degree redemption, INPS question: how to do it

by time news

Facilitated degree redemption, how to apply? Just go to the INPS website where the procedure to get to retirement early with a reduced cost is quite simple to use. Among other things, thanks to the recent creation of the Riscatti e reuniunzioni portal, it is also possible to obtain a simulation of the redemption burden, that is, the cost of the ‘recovery’, for retirement purposes, of the years of the university course recalls laleggepertutti. it.

First of all, it is necessary to know that, if the legal degree course is located in a period to be assessed with a salary system for calculating the pension (in most cases, by 31 December 1995 – only if you reach 18 years of contributions as of 31 December 1995, the salary calculation applies until 31 December 2011), the redemption charge is calculated using the mathematical reserve system. If, on the other hand, the legal degree course is located in a period to be assessed with a contributory pension calculation system, you can use both the percentage system and the flat-rate-subsidized system for the calculation of the 5,264.49 euros for each year to be redeemed (for applications submitted in 2021). In any case, if the period of the course of study has to be assessed with a salary calculation system, you can still use the facilitated flat-rate system, if you decide to opt for one of the 4 faculties that involve the fully contributory calculation of the pension: contributory option, female option, calculation with the Separate management or totalisation. We have talked a lot in: Facilitated redemption of the degree, who can ask for it.

How can you send the application for the redemption of the degree?

The application for the redemption of the years of the university course can be sent:

through the INPS website, authenticating with their own credentials: Spid, electronic identity card or national service card;

through the INPS call center, by calling the number 803.164 or 06.164.164 from a mobile phone;

through a patronage.

Ransom application: INPS website

If you want to submit a redemption application independently, without using the patronage services or the Inps call center, you must access the institution’s web portal using your own credentials (Spid, Cie or Cns) and follow the path: ‘Services and services’, ‘Services’,’ Redemption portal – reunions’.

After passing the authentication phase, the application home page allows access to the following functions:

home page redemptions;

home page reunions.

If you do not have the dispositive credentials, which are necessary even if you prefer to proceed through the Inps contact center, you must send the redemption request through patronage or other intermediaries of the institution.

On the home page of the section dedicated to the ransom application, you can access the following main functions:

new application: by selecting this function you can proceed with the compilation and subsequent submission of the redemption application;

consultation of the application: within this section you can consult the progress of any applications already submitted and print the relative receipts;

degree redemption simulation, to calculate the redemption charge.

The user manual and information sheets are also available.

New ransom application

Once the ‘New application’ function has been selected, filling in the redemption application requires you to enter:

personal data;

the social security management to which you are registered;

the type of redemption you are applying for;

you must then proceed with the compilation of the different sections of the request, entering the periods you want to redeem and the additional data necessary. Once you have entered all the required information and attached any documents, you can review the data entered using the ‘Summary and send’ function. The submission of the application using the ‘Enter’ button is only possible if you have selected the flag ‘I have read and accept the information’.

Method of calculating the redemption charge

Using the ‘Calculation method’ section, you can set the method for determining the surrender burden, if exercised, prior to or at the same time as the application, one of the faculties that involves the payment of the pension exclusively with the contribution calculation system (i.e., as already noted, contribution option, woman option, totalisation or calculation).

In detail, it can be requested that the cost of the redemption be determined:

with a percentage system: the remuneration subject to contributions in the last 12 months is multiplied by the contribution rate in force in the management concerned by the operation, at the date of submission of the application, as well as by the number of years to be redeemed;

with a flat-rate-subsidized system: the minimum annual taxable level at the Merchants management (equal to € 15,953 for 2021) is multiplied by the tax rate in force at the Employee Pension Fund, equal to 33%, as well as by the number of years to redeem.

You can view the details of all the ransom requests submitted electronically in the ‘Consultation applications’ section, accessible from the application home page.

Payment of the cost of the ransom

You can pay the redemption fee using the pagoPA Payment Notice, printable through the Payment Portal, by accessing the INPS website using your authentication credentials from the following path:

‘Performance and services, Services, Payment portal, Redemptions, Reunions and Annuities, Enter the service’.

Access to the payment portal is also allowed with the tax code and the file number indicated in the provision sent by INPS.

Alternatively, the pagoPA payment advice can be sent by post or e-mail to the institution’s call center.

pagoPA payment notices can be paid:

online from the INPS website, using your credit / debit card, debit on current account or other payment methods.

in the bank, via home banking, at the post office or at affiliated merchants;

by direct debit to the account.

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