a first frame that annoys caregivers

by time news

2023-06-23 12:59:11
Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and the Health Professions, in the courtyard of the Elysée, in Paris, on April 19, 2023. BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Exit words with negative connotations. Terms ” euthanasia “ et “assisted suicide” will not appear in the future bill on the end of life which will open “access to active assistance in dying” according to a first frame of the text that Emmanuel Macron has undertaken to carry by the end of the summer.

The document, which The world was able to consult, titled « Preliminary draft of the PJL summary [projet de loi] », was distributed by Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and the Health Professions, to the parliamentarians who participate in the “co-construction” of the text, according to the method desired by the Head of State.

This “summary” distributed on June 15 explains that the new right will be defined by an expression in which “figure the term die”. “Ms. Firmin Le Bodo’s office explained to us on June 5 that “assisted suicide” referred to the image of a depressed person and that “euthanasia” referred to Nazi eugenics”, reports a participant in the working group of health professionals, set up in parallel with that of parliamentarians by the ministry. In private, Mr. Macron confides that he “don’t like the word euthanasia” and “assisted suicide is an oxymoron”.

” Conditions of eligibility “

According to Ms. Firmin Le Bodo’s document, the first article of the bill will set out “eligibility conditions” active assistance in dying – “the person must be of legal age, suffering from a serious and incurable condition which involves his vital prognosis in the medium term, capable of discernment to exercise an autonomous choice”. All of these conditions will have to be the subject of a new “article L.110-14 of the public health code”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Bill on the end of life: the pitfalls are accumulating for the government

The first article of the bill should also define « comment » active assistance in dying is implemented and “the role of professionals”. A point which gave rise to an exacerbation of tensions between the ministry and the working group made up of caregivers. Fifteen participating health organizations wrote on June 20 to Ms. Firmin le Bodo to hammer home their refusal to see doctors forced to implement active assistance in dying. They specify that “the conscience clause” that promises to establish the government does not appease their “concerns”.

“We are legitimate to define what depends on our professional responsibility”, summarizes on behalf of the signatories of the letter Ségolène Perruchio, head of the palliative care department at the Rives de Seine hospital center in Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine). “We do not want all caregivers to be required to kill except those who explicitly object by a conscience clause. We need a law which provides that doctors or associations will have to come forward to make the gesture”, she argues on behalf of the French Society for Support and Palliative Care (SFAP). The collective of caregivers pleads for active assistance in dying to appear in the penal code as “an exception to the ban on killing” and not in the public health code.

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