Press and media facing business: the silence of the lambs

by time news

2023-06-23 17:45:00

EDITORIAL Agence France Presse (AFP) (1) and mainstream media are regularly subsidized by the state, worth hundreds of millions of euros (2). Is this the case to guarantee their survival, because readerships are now fleeing titles that favor an increasingly predictable, flat and sometimes misleading treatment of information? Or is it simply the desire of the executive to secure some control over them? Allow another hypothesis: to please, in the case of the private press, to a few lucky billionaires.

In any case, neither AFP nor the mainstream media mention the cases surrounding the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Nor do they speak of the condemnation of the Monde for unfair competition by disparagement towards France-Evening. Or the indictment of AFP President Fabrice Fries.

However, here is information of general interest, which is of interest to all citizens.

The complaint against Von de Leyen is under investigation. It targets the offenses of which the President of the European Commission is “manifestly” guilty: agreement, illegal taking of interests, misappropriation of misuse of corporate assets and concealment of information.

The court is not in a position to give us information on this subject, so the plaintiff Fréderic Baldan initiated a second summary procedure in order to enforce his rights.

If I say “manifestly” guilty, it is because Mrs von der Leyen allowed herself (a “self-authorization”…) not to make public the contracts ordering 4 billion doses of anti-Covid vaccines (ten times the total population of the European Community), contracts which it concluded with Pfizer, without consulting Parliament, going beyond the rights associated with his mandate.

And this was achieved by extolling the merits of the risk-benefit analysis of a product in the experimental phase without to date, that is to say three years later, we do not know what is really in this so-called vaccine (with several troubling proximities, including familywith manufacturers and other companies in the pharmaceutical sector who participated in their development and marketing).

We, citizens, signed our “self-attestations” during the two confinements. We “self-authorized” ourselves out of our homes, one hour a day. Did we give Mrs von der Leyen the idea of ​​”self-authorize” not to provide justice with the text messages she exchanged with the CEO of Pfizer, under which her contracts were negotiated and signed?

And not to explain why they were accompanied by total immunity (both criminal and economic) for the manufacturer and for the members of the European Commission and the governments who imposed these injections, whose potential serious side effects scientifically proven are still denied, in their respective countries? Or not to make transparent the price or the composition of these products of which we know nothing, let us remember it again?

In the past, all of this would have led directly to the suspension of such hastily developed pharmaceuticals.

So why, rather than talking about it, do AFP and subsidized media (therefore affiliated to a State) prefer silence? Because they are lambs. Vile and zealous servants of those in power. Instead of behaving like a sheepdog, which raises the alarm when the herd is in danger, they smoke out those whom our leaders consider to be their electoral cattle and cry out for the wolves of Big Pharma.

Thanks to the repeated failures, not to say the continual bankruptcy, in the primary exercise of its mission to inform, of the AFP and the subsidized media, the executive without contradiction, without real Fourth power, finds itself in freewheel , contemptuous as ever.

This blindness, this policy of the ostrich that they apply with the wish that the citizens in return behave like sheep, does not only concern the Ursula von der Leyen affair.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of four subjects about which these followers refuse to communicate:

And it is these birds of bad omen who dare to treat as “conspirators” all those who deduce from this silence and from Ursula von der Leyen’s refusal to democratically deliver her SMS, that there is an eel under the rock!

French justice is however not 100% at their heels. Indeed, in January 2023, the administrative court of Paris suspended the decision of the CPPAP not to renew the approval of France-Evening. And on June 19, the Commercial Court of Paris sentenced The world for unfair competition by disparagement.

In addition, caregivers have been reinstated after a court decision with their pay. The wheel spins. For the lambs to turn against the wolf, they must learn not to be afraid and collectively know how to show their teeth. For that, they need free and independent information.

Notes :

(1) In 2019, the state paid AFP a subsidy of nearly 125 million euros. He also paid 20.5 million for his subscriptions to various Agence France-Presse services.

(2) See as well : Announcement of aid of 30 million euros to press publishers, press release from the Ministry of Culture of December 14, 2022.

#Press #media #facing #business #silence #lambs

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