“President Rajoelina has not yet lost his Malagasy nationality”, according to (…)

by time news

2023-06-17 05:00:00

The dual nationality of the President of the Malagasy Republic, Andry Rajoelina, mentioned by the opposition parties, through the publication of an extract from the official journal of the French Republic, attesting to his naturalization in 2014, has been talking about Malagasy for some time. days. The Minister of Communication and Culture, and no less government spokesperson, Lalatiana Rakotondrazafy, declared yesterday on a television program of the national channel that the Head of State has not yet lost his Malagasy nationality.

Article 42 of the Nationality Code in force in the country, specifies that “Loses Malagasy nationality, the adult Malagasy who voluntarily acquires a foreign nationality”. But the Minister of Communication and Culture explained that it is not enough to read a single article, since the other provisions of this Ordinance n ° 60 – 064 of July 22, 1960, are clear. .

Article 43 of the said provision indicates that “until the expiry of a period of fifteen years from (…) the loss of Malagasy nationality is subject to the authorization of the Malagasy Government. This authorization is granted by decree. The following are not compelled to seek authorization to lose Malagasy nationality: those exempted from military service; the holders of a definitive reform; all men, even rebellious, after the age when they are totally released from the obligations of military service, in accordance with the law on the recruitment of the army”.

The government spokesperson also specified that the current Head of State has not yet requested this authorization from the Malagasy government to lose his nationality and no related decree has yet been issued. Furthermore, the 15-year period set by the order has not yet expired.

Regarding Andry Rajoelina’s candidacy for the 2018 presidential election, which many politicians are trying to question, the member of the government refers to article 46 of the Constitution in force which indicates that “Any candidate for office President of the Republic must be of Malagasy nationality, enjoy his civil and political rights (…) reside in the territory of the Republic of Madagascar for at least six months before the day of the deadline set for the submission of candidacies”. That said, the current Head of State has fulfilled these conditions.

But the other debate that is essential in this affair remains the question of protecting the interests of Madagascar and the Malagasy vis-à-vis France and the French, more particularly, the Ile Eparses affair which unfortunately remains unanswered. despite the approach of the end of Andry Rajoelia’s mandate as head of the Malagasy state.

#President #Rajoelina #lost #Malagasy #nationality

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