Teacher professionalization is a priority of the Education system

by time news

2023-06-25 01:23:03

The professionalization of teachers qualifies as one of the priorities of the educational system in Cuba, as well as stimulating a development project for graduates of pedagogical careers, said the Cuban Minister of Education, Naima Trujillo.

In an interview with the Granma newspaper, Trujillo recalled that educational institutions in the country are marked by great diversity, since teachers in training, recent graduates, hired teachers and retirees from the sector coexist, reincorporated.

Hence, the development of their competencies is prioritized, both in scientific degree and in methodological and scientific-methodological preparations, he added.

According to the owner, the organization has a plan for the training of doctors, which for this year is expected to pre-defend and defend more than 60 professionals.

Regarding the teaching coverage, Trujillo pointed out that for the next academic year the situation of each of the territories has already been identified, mainly Havana, where the most complex scenario is concentrated.

The reality of the country with respect to teaching coverage is diverse, since there are provinces that are above the national average, as is the case of Pinar del Río and the eastern part of the country, and territories with more unfavorable indices and for which we have devised a comprehensive strategy, which allows to mitigate a little the risk of educational quality, he said.

Even, he added, there are territories that could be emitters of professionals to other regions, a variant that has been used at certain times, which may allow the next school year to cover, with the greatest possible suitability, the structures of the school in all its levels.

The Minister of Education indicated as another of the priorities for the next semester, the deployment of the lines of work derived from the Improvement of Education, which is organized by stages and the third is currently being developed.

Despite the effects of the pandemic and other exceptional situations, some changes corresponding to the third improvement have been introduced experimentally, and others more generally, such as new forms of work, the creation of institutional curricula, work in networks and the creation of an educational project of the institution, explained Trujillo.

All these transformations, he said, were made with the intention of having a school with greater innovation in didactics, greater prominence of the learner, with tendencies more associated with learning management, that uses all the possibilities of the municipal authorities, the province and even the country, since all this must work as a network that takes advantage of the conditions of the experts and their media.

For the new 2023-2024 school year, which begins in September, the Ministry of Education (Mined) is anticipating an important moment of deployment and consolidation of all these processes, which can already be established with a natural course of 46 weeks and an extension of face-to-face close to normal.

Linked to this third improvement, the reissue and redesign of the texts at all levels of education was oriented, as well as the methodological guidelines, and at this moment there are already more than 40 titles that are in print, with which it is intended to have for the next academic year, perhaps not from the beginning, but during this one, stressed the minister.

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He explained that this will then allow the next school period to implement some of the modifications, which were delayed because the necessary texts could not be printed for these changes to occur.

The head of the Mined stressed that for the coming years, the modification of the constructive conditions of schools of all educational levels that have their infrastructure evaluated as regular or bad will have to be a priority.

This is done, he pointed out, jointly with the governments in the territories and it is being evaluated how many of these modifications can be achieved at each stage.

Although this process is slowing down, conditioned by the economic situation facing the country, we have the commitment of the governments and a very high political will to improve the infrastructural quality of our educational institutions to continue providing free, inclusive and quality education. Trujillo concluded.

(Source: Latin Press)

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