NASA Hired a Priest | NASA appoints priest to equip humans to face aliens – News18 Malayalam

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Many scientists believe that humans will have to deal with aliens in the future. The scientific world is preparing in many ways for that future encounter. According to a new report, NASA has appointed a Priest to prepare humans for encounters with aliens. The possibility of finding life on another planet is on the rise, says a British priest and theologian. Dr. The British tabloid The Mirror reports that Andrew Davison said.

He was one of 24 religious scholars who attended a NASA – sponsored event at the Center for Theological Inquiry at Princeton University in New Jersey to assess how religions react to the news that life exists outside of our world. Dr. The Mirror reports that Andrew Davison. He is a theologian at the University of Cambridge and holds a degree in biochemistry and is reportedly working with NASA.

Andrew Davison is preparing to release his book next year. In his book ‘Astrobiology and the Christian Doctrine’, Dr. Andrew raises some questions: Is there life elsewhere in the universe? Will the discovery of extraterrestrial life change the theories of origin of all religions, and how will this discovery affect the belief system of believers around the world?

NASA is seeking the help of 24 theologians as part of a plan to determine how different religions around the world will react to news about extraterrestrial life, according to New York-based media Technotrans. Pilcher, former head of NASA’s Institute of Astrobiology, says it remains to be seen what the impact of the application of science tools in the late twentieth and early 21st centuries will be on questions that have been considered in religious traditions for hundreds or thousands of years.

Published by:Jayesh Krishnan

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