by time news

2023-06-22 18:38:01

I have already spoken here, I think, about my former relationship with cinematographic productions. On days like today, with a light drizzle, or even in good weather, on a Friday, I’d leave the office straight to a video store. The establishment that made the most impression was Zé, when I lived in Serra, but both in the Capital and in Vale do Sinos or throughout Rio Grande, the routine of going after releases and classics did not change. With the entry of the DVD it seems that things started to cool down, after all, there was a whole romanticism in the use of my 4-head video cassette that didn’t last with that little disc.

It got worse now. In fact, nothing beats laziness when it comes to humanity. At Internacional, however, this seems to be rooted in players, coaches, managers and minions: all indolent when it comes to winning, being a champion. In life, apathy took over when they exchanged socializing for the simple choice of movies (increasingly worse) through the button of a remote control.

In one of the films towards the end of the ritual of visiting a video store, and I know this because I still remember the subject (something increasingly rare in the memory of an old man), I remember a character telling his son that they should not repeat a certain action, because there are things that only become important when they are done only once.

I remembered that at the end of the trip I took with my wife and some friends she found who knows where. In summary: I was very close to a harem, only of elderly women. I called my misadventure “30 Ladies and an old man”. They don’t know, of course; neither does my lady. I kept it for myself and now I’ll tell you here, asking for a description, obviously.

I just remembered the movie, when at the end I no longer felt the same excitement of revisiting some places. I thought that 10 years after the last stay, I would be refreshed by seeing landscapes that everyone thinks are beautiful (and so do I) when, in truth, what I wanted most was to return home as soon as possible. Not that it has lost its enchantment, everything is still beautiful, after all, what happened was me. It’s no place for an old man like me anymore. Now it’s the turn of others.

I don’t know if I feel excited about Internacional’s return to the field. But as the aforementioned film says, a certain action should not be repeated, as there are things that only become important when performed only once. That is, I don’t expect a false recovery action in the championship, pure illusion, just to secure another disastrous second place at the end of the 38 rounds. Either a new reality is built to be effectively a champion, or they try to make it clear to the fans that they don’t expect anything from the team. Colorado’s relationship with us cannot become a mere act of fiction.

Either it is or it isn’t. If you’re lazy, it won’t be.

Today we’ll see if the stipend of keeping a coach who hasn’t made the team play football for months was insane or sick madness. I hope I’m very wrong…

I’ve been there more confident with this team. Still not pessimistic, but skeptical. By the way, all this skepticism must be the fault of my rheumatism, which is the fault of the haste of those elderly women.

You’ll see what’s missing for Inter to be champions again is to try to stop being lazy.


– I went, I came back, and Mano Menezes continues as coach of Internacional. Now with 3 defensive midfielders against a team that hasn’t won since February;

– Rumors of proposals by Wanderson. I will not comment on rumours. Nor if I am for or against the deal;

– I don’t know where they got negotiation with this one or that one. Therefore, I don’t believe in anyone anymore;

– Enner Valencia is really from Inter, to the dismay of the ominous on duty. And those on the other side, of course.

– Presentation at Gigantinho. It is the chance for a new crowd, finally, to get to know this great stage of great indoor soccer teams. It was just becoming “futsal” so that no one would take it more seriously;

– On my aforementioned trip, I soon realized that where there were stairs, I could no longer climb them. Guilt of rheumatism; Old man has these. In short, I understand one more Aranguiz injury;

– I wish I had the “condition$” to treat my rheumatism in Miami. There I know that the climate is “other”;

– The president now decided to give an interview to “anyone”. And since there are “anyone” in our current press, for God’s sake;

– The Colorada machine from 79 remains the only undefeated Brazilian champion team. Greetings from that time!


Missing seeing Inter on the field?

Colorado fan: the moment of truth has arrived!



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