Reggaeton affects the brain according to science

by time news

2023-06-26 07:00:00

If you like reggaeton and you usually dance it, or even if you only listen to it when you’re at the gym (because what other music is played at the gym?), we have good news for you. Science says that reggaeton affects your brain in a positive way. Can you imagine? What a goal for the reggaeton squad against all the detractors it has.

beats classical music

We hold classical music in such high esteem that sometimes we think it is the answer to everything. The idea of ​​relying on this type of music to relax, when we want to awaken our creativity or if we are expecting a child and we want them to listen to songs that help their development, is going to change. Because science says that reggaeton stimulates brain activity in a way even above how classical music does. And that means that reggaeton surpasses all other types of music. To all.

This could mean that the songs of Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Rosalía or Maluma could begin to be used in all kinds of therapies. The news will undoubtedly help this style of music, which has more and more followers, to continue. spreading throughout the world.

A study confirms it

Scientists from Spain and Finland have collaborated to reach these important conclusions that give reggaeton wings. The study consisted of a test on 28 people who were subjected to different listening sessions with the aim of seeing how your brain reacts at all times.

Possibly, an investigation like this could not have been possible without a professional like Dr. Jesús Martín-Fernández, who from Santa Cruz de Tenerife combines his neurological knowledge with his experience in the world of music. Taking advantage of his position in the hospital where he works, he has carried out the study in which he wanted to test various concerns that he had about how music influences the brain.

But an important fact about the test and the results is that reggaeton, which has proven to be very beneficial for generating more brain activity. does not have any font. That is, tests have been carried out without voices. All the musical styles that have been used with the participants have been with instrumental songs. Both reggaeton and rock, classical music or folk, have not had lyrics.

During each of the sessions, what those responsible for the study did was check the activity occurring in certain areas of the brain. Exactly those areas where movement and motor skills, emotions and pleasure are managed, as well as the sound processing area, were analyzed. In all cases, it was found that reggaeton was the style that most benefited when it came to generating greater activity, which says a lot about the therapeutic capacity that this type of music could have.

Looking at the future

The results of this investigation are possibly just the first step of something much bigger. As we said before, society has fully assumed that classical music is at the top of the list of musical styles that generate more brain activity. But this changes now with reggaeton, although, yes, remembering that it must be kept in versions without lyrics.

The next step, according to the doctor in charge of the research, will consist of exploring how this discovery could help in the search for remedies for diseases. For example, he has already mentioned that, knowing this, reggaeton has a chance of ending up being important when it comes to finding a cure for Parkinson’s. Possibly, for that there is still a long way to go, but it does not hurt celebrate that reggaeton is so beneficial and that, in addition, it is being investigated from Spain.

#Reggaeton #affects #brain #science

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