Joaquín Sabina, a tavern singer-songwriter before 10,000 souls

by time news

2023-06-26 07:15:55

On Sunday Joaquín Sabina sold out his second ‘sold out’ in advance sales for this weekend at the BEC on his tour called ‘Against all odds’: 10,000 seats on Friday and as many yesterday, with which 20,000 souls enjoyed his concert in eighth (sometimes up to four guitars played, as in ’19 days and 500 nights’) of 23 songs (we separated the two performed in pairs) in 129 timed minutes from the time the performers left until they left after greeting each other with their arms around each other at the end.

The best band it has ever had, said Joaquín Ramón Martínez Sabina (Úbeda, Jaén, 74 sticks) exaggerating. And on top of that, he assured that at least three members of his band sing better than him: we bought the showgirl’s ticket, excuse me, Mara Barros, but we don’t believe the interventions by guitarist Jaime Asúa (from Bilbao) and the historic accompanist Antonio García de Diego (“a true musician, not like me, I’m a tavern singer-songwriter,” Sabina blurted out in the early presentations). All these compliments addressed to his subordinates, or compliments if you prefer, seemed destined to tacitly insult the absent Pancho Varona, formerly Sabina’s right-hand man and now exiled for reasons that are not clarified.

The fact is that the concert on Sunday was very good, and Sabina dosed her efforts letting her squires sing full titles and sometimes leaving the stage. Thus, Mara Barros fought with the cabaret ‘I want to be an Almodóvar girl’ and then in the copla ‘Y sin embargo te quiero’. But the good old García de Diego breathed little air into a miserable ‘The most beautiful song in the world’, and guitarist Asúa, who was celebrating his birthday this Sunday (as was another important member of the Sabinian troupe: his manager Pepe Navarro), Well, it didn’t stand out in, what a coincidence, two hit-and-run numbers and something like La Orquesta Mondragón: ‘It rains, it pours’ (co-written between Sabina and Fito Páez) and a disconcerting ‘The case of the platinum blonde’ that served to open the encore. Hum, Sabina’s band, when they’re not on tour with him, give gigs under the name of Benditos Malditos in which they cover the boss’s songs, like one we witnessed at the Palencia festivities, where they performed with little grace and little charisma. , without the ease and impudence of the boss, and dilating the moments with some parliaments that should prune.

Farewell to the blessed eighth at the end of the encore. Oscar Stephen

But we are deviating from what is important by focusing on the tricks that the long-lived bard from Úbeda uses to stay on stage for a long time. And the thing is that the concert was very good, because of the acoustics at the BEC and because of Sabina’s own faculties: hoarse but singing masterfully and without slacking off, reading a lot of the lyrics from two teleprompters that he had at his feet, playing several guitars, reciting a couple of poems (the first vindicating himself and stating “you will not see me in Benidorm with the Imserso” -of course, something better can be allowed-, and the second profusely listing the anatomical, from the humeri to the clitoris, to conclude that ” This is my homeland, around there is nothing»).

Sabina, who wore two costumes, the first with a bowler hat and the second, in the encore, with a top hat, seemed to get emotional on several occasions, especially at first, and commented that “this crazy job has two good things, one is that in the bad times the stage is better than life, and the other is that sometimes friends you haven’t seen for a long time show up and they give us a lot of joy”, before dedicating the song ‘When the cold hits’ to Iñaki López and Andrea Wardrobe, present at the BEC. Musically, Sabina and her band played from rhythm and blues and country with slide, to rancheras, the aforementioned cabaret, and plain rock. And, paradoxically, the less instrumentation there was, the more emotion was generated: wasn’t the top of the date the eleventh, the intimate ‘So young and so old’, melancholic, sentimental and hoarse to Satchmo? The fact is that she received the first standing ovation of the 10,000 souls, and it was big and long.

In the second song, ‘Sentiendo lo mucho’. Oscar Esteban

Let’s review the 23 titles in the repertoire, which were the same and in the same order that he chose on Friday also at the BEC. «We are on the stage where on Friday we gave one of the best concerts in our history. It was a magical night, of San Juan, and today is not San Juan, but let’s make it Aste Nagusia », she encouraged Sabina in her first parliament. The best moments were: ‘Lágrimas de márbol’ (“you can tell that it’s from Leiva at the first chord”, identified the Sabinian Óscar Esteban); ‘On the boulevard of broken dreams’, exciting and with hundreds of mobiles immortalizing it; let us reiterate that the first great peak was the intimate ‘So young and so old’; The piano ballad ‘Una canción para la Magdalena’ (which never charges her) and the happy rumbita ’19 days and 500 nights’ were not bad (this album marked Sabina’s turning point; for the first time she gave importance to the sound of their songs, not just the lyrics); an incredibly in communion with the singing public ‘Y sin embargo’, which was the second best moment of the evening; and already in the encore fell the egotistical (yo-yo-yo…) ‘Contigo’, where he slipped the verse «nor Guggenheim without you», and the last two, the borderline ‘And they gave us ten o’clock’ and the Serratian apotheosis or circus ‘Pastillas para no soñar’, with Sabina applied to the cymbals (and Óscar Esteban observed: «the first time I saw him was in Fadura about 30 years ago and he also ended with this song»).

Well, let them know that Sabina will be performing on Wednesday, July 5 in Torrelavega, on the Malecón, with a capacity of 6,000 people, in a concert also part of the ‘Against all odds’ tour, which started in February in Costa Rica and which will go through Latin America, Spain (31 dates!) and the USA until December of this year, which will end with two dates in Madrid, at the Wizink Center.

#Joaquín #Sabina #tavern #singersongwriter #souls

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