Vitamin D and Cancer: New Research Reveals Promising Connection and Reduction in Mortality Rates

by time news

2023-06-26 09:39:00

Vitamin D against cancer: Researchers find a promising connection Taking vitamin D3 can significantly reduce the risk of death Which dose works best?

A study by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg has brought new, exciting findings to light about the connection between vitamin D and cancer. The researchers found that supplementation with vitamin D can have a direct impact on mortality from severe cancer. According to the DKFZ, taking vitamin D can reduce the cancer mortality rate.

Vitamin D may reduce mortality rate in cancer patients

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread: According to the DKFZ, around 15 percent of adults in Germany have vitamin D blood levels below the threshold for a pronounced vitamin D deficiency. However, cancer patients are particularly affected. In a study of people with colon cancer, the proportion of participants with a vitamin D3 deficiency was 59 percent. This was also associated with an unfavorable prognosis for her disease.

The possible effects of vitamin D supplementation on the development and progression of cancer have already been examined in several studies. The researchers at the DKFZ had already analyzed five studies in 2021. The result at the time was promising: based on an extrapolation model, the mortality rate should be reduced by a full 13 percent. This could prevent the death of around 30,000 cancer patients in Germany alone. In the latest meta-analysis, the DKFZ team evaluated 14 studies of the highest quality level. The results were published in the journal “Aging Research Review” in 2023.

“According to the current study situation, vitamin D3 intake probably does not protect against developing cancer, but could reduce the probability of dying from cancer. However, previous studies on cancer mortality have delivered very different results and we are interested in the reasons for this.” , says Ben Schöttker, epidemiologist at the DKFZ and one of the authors of the study. The 14 studies analyzed include a total of around 105,000 participants, each of whom was randomly divided into two groups: one group received vitamin D in the form of dietary supplements, the other group a placebo.

New study surprises: dosage of vitamin D is crucial

When evaluating all the studies, the cancer researchers could not find any statistically noticeable effect of vitamin D – after all, the results of the individual studies were very different, they almost balanced each other out. However, if the studies were divided according to how the vitamin D was dosed, the result looked very different. In four of the studies, the vitamin D was given infrequently but in high doses. This approach showed no effect on cancer mortality. In ten of the studies, on the other hand, a low dose of vitamin D was given every day – and cancer mortality fell significantly 12 percent. The result is therefore still very close to the projection from 2021.

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“We observed this 12 percent reduction in cancer mortality after untargeted vitamin D3 administration to people with and without vitamin D deficiency. We can therefore assume that the effect for people who actually have a vitamin D deficiency is significant is higher,” says Schöttker. He explains the better effect of daily vitamin D doses by the regular availability of the active ingredient in the body. This is the hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which is only produced by reactions of vitamin D in the body. Experts suspect that it can inhibit tumor growth.

Daily low doses were 400 to 4000 international units. The unit of measurement is abbreviated IU or iU, and is found on many dietary supplements. In addition to vitamins, certain hormones, antibiotics or vaccines are also measured in international units. In the case of vitamin D, a dosage of 800 to 2000 international units is usual in practice, explains Schöttker in an interview with Higher single doses ranged from 60,000 to 120,000 international units of vitamin D – such a high dose is given only once a month or even less frequently.

This is how vitamin D works in the immune system

Basically, vitamin D has a variety of effects on our immune system. It not only suppresses some cancer-promoting factors, but also chronic inflammatory reactions. So, in theory, the vitamin can help people survive their cancer. Nevertheless, cancer researchers warn that vitamin D should not be seen as an alternative, but only as a supplement to established therapies.

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A more detailed analysis of the studies with daily intake also found that people aged 70 and over benefited the most from vitamin D3 therapy. In addition, the effect was most evident when vitamin D intake was started before the cancer was diagnosed.

The DKFZ epidemiologist Hermann Brenner emphasizes that the mortality rate from age-related cancer has decreased uniformly in recent years, but Germany still has a significantly higher mortality rate than Finland, for example. According to Brenner, there is an explanation for this: in Finland, many foods have been fortified with vitamin D for several years.

Ingesting vitamin D through diet – are dietary supplements necessary at all?

In the past three years, several meta-studies have already shown that a healthy diet and thus a balanced level of vitamin D can significantly reduce the cancer mortality rate. Brenner believes that taking vitamin D supplements makes sense for people over the age of 50. They are particularly often affected by a vitamin D deficiency – and according to another study, this can even be fatal.

Vitamin D would not only save the lives of many people, but could also significantly reduce the cost of cancer therapies. “This work underlines the great potential of vitamin D3 administration in the prevention of cancer deaths. Regular intake in low doses is associated with almost negligible risk and very low costs,” emphasizes Brenner in relation to the latest study.

The epidemiologist Hermann Brenner therefore holds one Vitamin D Supplementation especially useful for people over 50. Supplementing with the vitamin would not only save many lives, it would also significantly reduce the cost of cancer therapies.

Vitamin D supplementation may reduce cancer treatment costs

The DKFZ research group previously calculated that taking vitamin D supplements – which would cost around 25 euros per person annually – could save 254 million euros in cancer therapy costs annually. Among other things, the Heidelberg researchers advocate adding vitamin D to certain foods in Germany based on the Finnish model – although the vitamin has been shown to be better produced through sunlight than it can be absorbed through food. Certain foods also naturally contain plenty of vitamin D.

You can have a doctor determine whether you have a vitamin D deficiency. In general, according to experts, a normal dosage, such as vitamin D tablets from the pharmacy, is harmless. However, you can also take too much of the preparation. You can find out here what symptoms and consequences an overdose can have. The quality of some vitamin D tablets also leaves a lot to be desired, as Öko-Test found out.

You can also top up your vitamin D levels for free. The cancer information service of the German Cancer Research Center recommends staying outdoors in the sunshine at least two to three times a week. You should stay in the sun for at least 12 minutes, exposing your face, arms, hands, and legs to the sun without sunscreen. It is important to have your vitamin D level checked by a doctor if you suspect a deficiency.

Are you interested in the topics of “cancer diseases”, “prevention” and “treatment options”? You can find more information here:

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