Patent 2023: the subject of the French test

by time news

2023-06-26 12:42:56

The Brevet (Diplôme National du Brevet) starts for the 867,182 candidates registered for the exam. As every year, the tests begin with the French test (test in 2 parts with a 15-minute break between the two). The subjects of these two parts, including the dictation, are to be discovered below with the answer key now available.

On the menu this year: A classic subject since it is based on an extract from the autobiography of George Sand, the pseudonym of Aurore Dupin, Histoire de ma vie, and which therefore corresponds to the entry of the program “Sechercher, to build oneself “. 9th graders have read excerpts from autobiographies or works on the theme of self-writing and are therefore familiar with the genre. In addition, the subjects found in the foreign centers were all based on this literary genre: the students who had trained on these subjects therefore had to be equipped to deal with this ordeal.

Subject for candidates from Metropolitan France and the Antilles (Guadeloupe and Martinique) – General Series (777,214 candidates)

Date: Monday, June 26, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Notation : 100 points

Duration of the test: 3h (separated into 2 parts with 15min break)

French patent subject – part 1: Grammar and language skills / Comprehension and interpreting skills

A. Literary text

In her autobiography, Aurore Dupin (who writes under the name of George Sand) recounts her childhood. She was raised by her mother and grew up surrounded by Hippolyte, her half-brother, and Ursule, the daughter of a servant.

We had found a game that captured our imaginations. It was about crossing the river. The river was drawn on the tile1 with chalk and made a thousand detours in this large room. (…)

B. Illustration

Robert Doisneau, Round of Pompoms, 1955

Comprehension and interpretation skills (32 points)

1. In line 1, who designates the pronoun “we”? (2 points)

2. Where does the scene take place? How do you explain the presence of a river in this place? Justify your answer by citing the text. (5 dots)

3. “The illusion wins them over and truly seizes them. (line 9)

Look for three elements in the text that show that the illusion “wins over” and “truly seizes” the children. (6 dots)

4. a) What is children’s play compared to throughout the text? To justify your answer, pick out at least four words from a lexical field that proves it. (3 points)

b) Identify at least three moments in the story that show that this comparison organizes the children’s play. (3 points)

5. What reflections on childhood does the story of this episode inspire in the narrator? Two elements are expected. Support your answer by citing specific passages from the text. (5 dots)

6. Image

Why could this photograph illustrate the text? You will develop your answer based on two arguments. Each argument must be justified by a quotation from the text. (8 dots)

Linguistic and grammatical skills (18 points)

7. “In some places it was very deep. (line 3)

a) What is the grammatical function of each group of underlined words? (1 mark)

b) Justify your analysis of the first underlined group by specifying the manipulations you used to identify its grammatical function. (2 points)

8. “If we come across crayfish, they’ll eat our feet. (lines 25-26)

a) Copy this sentence by putting the subordinate clause in square brackets and encircling the subordinate word. (1 mark)

b) Specify the grammatical function of this subordinate clause. (1 mark)

9. “Such was the unforeseen and dramatic outcome of our performance”. (line 38)

a) Look at the underlined word: identify and name the three elements that make it up. (1.5 marks)

b) Explain the meaning of this word based on the meaning of the elements that compose it and with the help of the text. (1.5 marks)

10. Rewrite the following passage by replacing “Hippolyte” with “they”.

The noun phrase “the role of the clumsy or the drunken man” should not be changed.

“Hippolyte had already drowned several times, we helped him to get out of the big holes where he always fell, because he was playing the role of the clumsy or the drunken man, and he was swimming dry on the floor, struggling and lamenting. (lines 4 to 7)

(10 points)

Full story/text here

French patent subject – 1st part: dictation

During the dictation, we will proceed successively:

1. a preliminary, slow and well-articulated reading of the entire text;

2. effective dictation of the text, specifying punctuation and clearly marking liaisons;

3. on proofreading, without specifying the punctuation this time but always marking the links.

Candidates will be asked to write every other line.

We will not answer any questions from candidates after the proofreading of the text; they will be informed before this proofreading.

Before starting the dictation, write on the board in a legible way:

From George Sand, Story of my life, 1855.

I remember one autumn day when, dinner being served, night had fallen in the bedroom. My cousin and I chased each other through the trees, that is, under the folds of the curtain. The apartment had disappeared from our eyes and we were truly in a dark landscape at the onset of night. We were called for dinner and we heard nothing. My mother came to take me in her arms to carry me to the table and I will always remember my astonishment when I saw the real objects that surrounded me. I was coming out of a complete hallucination and it was hard for me to come out of it so abruptly.

According to George Sand, Story of my life, 1855

French patent subject – 2nd part: Writing work (drafting)

Candidates must compose, for this “Writing” part, on a separate copy.

You will choose one of the following topics:

subject of imagination

Have you ever been caught up in a game that gradually dragged you into an intense fantasy adventure.

You will tell this episode in the first person.

You will be able to enrich your story with descriptions, the expression of feelings and sensations.

Subject of reflection

Why do we talk about ourselves and tell our life story in autobiographical works?

You will answer this question in a reasoned development.

To illustrate your arguments, you will rely on specific examples taken from literary and artistic works.

Official subject in pdf format here

The answer key to the proof of the French patent 2023

See also:

#Patent #subject #French #test

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